You can get a lovely summary of your blogs content in a nice picture – which for some reason you can put on a t-shirt! nice. a summary of your life, in one easy rectangle:
You can get a lovely summary of your blogs content in a nice picture – which for some reason you can put on a t-shirt! nice. a summary of your life, in one easy rectangle:
I’m sure there’s room for a “Gareth” in there somewhere:Gareth Gareth Gareth Gareth Gareth Gareth Gareth Gareth Gareth Gareth Gareth Gareth Gareth Gareth Gareth Gareth Gareth Gareth Gareth Gareth Gareth Gareth Gareth Gareth Gareth Gareth Gareth Gareth Gareth Gareth Gareth Gareth Gareth Gareth Gareth Gareth Gareth Gareth Gareth Gareth;)
you should try the googlebrowser. it makes a nice graph of people who link to you and stuff