Category Archives: Uncategorized

Creating Circuits

We used Snap ‘n’ Fix to create circuits today.  We made the bulb light up and the helicopter take off.  By working together, we learnt that you need a complete circuit to make things work.

Snap n Fix (2) Snap n Fix (7)

News Reporting!

We pretended to be news reporters and read a news bulletin on Bonnie Prince Charlie’s escape dressed as Betty Burke.

We planned our report and read it to the class.  Everyone reported the main points.Jacobite news (1) - Copy

Jacobite news (2) - Copy



Hi this Kelsey and Broomlee was AMAZING !!!!! There were lots of different activities like : the catwalk ,the pole climb , small & big tree climb and lots more . I met lots of new friends my 2 favourite activitys  were the cat walk and the flying fox . Their food was awesome but the best thing was the DISCO on the last night it was so fun but some people went to the quiet room .