We felt it was really good fun creating the Anderson Shelter. Do you like it?
It was fun and better to make it than being told about it. It was challenging but we managed! Can you see what we used?
It was hard putting it together but good to be creative. Could you make one like it?
We said it was good working together and liked the designing of it. Do you like our one?
We enjoyed using their imagination when working with a friend. It was a good experience.
We worked well together and were excited deciding what to make. Can you see the carrots on top?
We worked well together. Can you see what we made the bed out of?
It was fun but bits were fiddly! it was a good chance to work together and get ideas! Do you like it?
It was a good experince making an Anderson shelter. I worked well with my partner and thought we did well on our Anderson shelter and I was happy working with my partner.
Hi I am Paige. I like all the Anderson shelters.
The second Anderson shelter is mine I hope you like it?
I like all the Anderson shelters.
We put a lot of effort into these Anderson shelters.We all worked very well together we would love to do something like this again.