The role of the Parent Council is to:

  • Support the school in its work with parents
  • Represent the views of all parents
  • Encourage links between the school, parents, pupils, preschool groups and the wider community
  • Report back to the Parent Forum (all parents are members of the Parent Forum).

Parents/Carers are encouraged to volunteer or put themselves forward to be chosen as representatives of the Parent Council. The Parent Council meets at least once a school term.  All meetings are open and parents are welcome to attend.

Parent Council Office Bearers

  Chairperson Marion Finlayson
Secretary Marina Macleod
Treasurer Isla MacDiarmid
Staff Representative Jessie Murray (Nursery)

Carol Ann Maclean (HT)

Karina Mackay (PT)

 To contact the Parent Council:
– Contact via school office or school email address,
– Or you can contact the Chairperson directly via email



Nursery places are now available for session 2019/2020 for children who:

  • are 4 years of age and are not currently registered with a nursery
  • will be 3 years of age between 1 March 2019 and 28 February 2020
  • will be 2 years of age between 1 March 2019 and 28 February 2020 and whose parent(s)/carer(s) are in receipt of certain qualifying benefits

Eligibility for early learning and childcare throughout the year is as follows:

  • From the Autumn Term (Aug – Dec) – children born between 1 March and 31 August
  • From the Spring Term (Jan – March) – children born between 1 September and 31 December
  • From the Summer Term (April – June) – children born between 1 January and 28 February

To register your child for their free nursery place come in and meet us as soon as possible, with your child’s Birth Certificate, and complete an enrolment form.


ENROLMENT FORM 2019-20 – 3-4 Yr Olds

When a place has been allocated for your child you will be given/sent a Care Plan and Profile pack to complete. We will then arrange a time for you to come in so you can meet your child’s key worker, review your Care Plan and allow your child a settling in session.

Each year the school publishes a Standards and Quality Report which highlights the school’s major achievements in the previous year. Previously this was a separate document to the School Improvement Plan. However these have now been amalgamated into the Standards and Qualities Improvement plan (SQIP) which is available on our school website.

The School Improvement Plan section details the improvement agenda for the school on an annual basis. All projects which are included in the improvement plan are shared with the Parent Council. The Head Teacher also updates the Parent Council on progress with specific projects throughout the session.

The table below outlines our current plan with respect to the School’s Improvement Agenda.

·       Developing Moderation, Assessment and Quality Assurance

·       Raising attainment in Literacy and Numeracy

·       Improving Health and Wellbeing experiences

·       Developing Early Years experiences and play-based learning

Following a joint HMIe and Care Inspectorate inspection in September 2018 we are developing the school through a two year action plan as we address the requirements/recommendations given to us.

Our Vision: ‘Be All You Can Be’

Our Core Values:  Respect, Honesty, Fairness, Resilience

Our Curriculum Rationale:
In Tong Primary School and Sgoil Àraich we develop happy and confident learners through our creative, challenging and flexible curriculum. A rich, meaningful, positive and bilingual environment will be nurtured through partnerships with parents and the wider community. Learners will be enriched by their local culture and heritage in preparation for life and work in an ever-changing society.

Our Aims:

  • Have learning that is exciting and meaningful and builds our skills so we are ready for the challenges life may bring us. 
  • Have learning that is developmentally appropriate and makes the best use of ICT to make it relevant and enjoyable.
  • Be creative and curious in learning and learn how to be independent, confident and adaptable so we have the skills for life and work.
  • Work in teams and be able to lead different parts of school life and learning.
  • Help our community and have our community help us.
  • Care and use our local environment.
  • Be cared for, with respect, no matter who you are.
  • Celebrate our cultural identity, Gaelic language and how different we all are.
  • Learn Gaelic so we can use it everyday.



The items which make up Tong School uniform are listed below:

School Skirt/Trousers
White blouse/shirt
Blue sweatshirt/cardigan/ hoodie/ V-neck jumper
School Tie

Tong School Uniform can be bought directly from the supplier

We also have a Uniform Swap-shop. There is no cost for nearly-new second hand uniform but we request donations of old uniform that is still in good condition. If you wish, you may make a small donation to school funds.

All parents in receipt of Child Tax Credit or Income Support are eligible for a clothing grant  from  the  Education  Authority  to  ensure  that  their  children  are  able  to  make  full use of educational provision.  Parents on low incomes may also make an application for a clothing grant. The link for the clothing grant is found below:


Alternatively application forms for clothing grants are available from the:
Education, Skills and Children’s Services Department
Comhairle nan Eilean Siar
Sandwick Road
Telephone 01851 822763

Preferably enrolment forms should be completed in school to allow our School Assistant to ensure all forms are fully completed  and information is accurate.  You are required to bring your child(ren)’s birth certificate  with you when enrolling into the school. We will keep a copy in your child’s PPR.

When  you enrol your child you will be issued with the following documents:

  • Enrolment Form for Session 2019/20
  • How we use information about you
  • Photographing or Filming Pupils on School Premises
  • Uniform Ordering Information Letter
  • GME information Sheet

You can find a copy of the enrolment  form for 2019/2020 below.

School Enrolment Form