Our Vision: ‘Be All You Can Be’

Our Core Values:  Respect, Honesty, Fairness, Resilience

Our Curriculum Rationale:
In Tong Primary School and Sgoil Àraich we develop happy and confident learners through our creative, challenging and flexible curriculum. A rich, meaningful, positive and bilingual environment will be nurtured through partnerships with parents and the wider community. Learners will be enriched by their local culture and heritage in preparation for life and work in an ever-changing society.

Our Aims:

  • Have learning that is exciting and meaningful and builds our skills so we are ready for the challenges life may bring us. 
  • Have learning that is developmentally appropriate and makes the best use of ICT to make it relevant and enjoyable.
  • Be creative and curious in learning and learn how to be independent, confident and adaptable so we have the skills for life and work.
  • Work in teams and be able to lead different parts of school life and learning.
  • Help our community and have our community help us.
  • Care and use our local environment.
  • Be cared for, with respect, no matter who you are.
  • Celebrate our cultural identity, Gaelic language and how different we all are.
  • Learn Gaelic so we can use it everyday.


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