Sports Committee 2023/24

Our Sports committee meet regularly to discuss upcoming sporting events and planning future events.

Shawbost school recently won the Sportscotland Award! the school has achieved the Silver Award.

Daily Mile Children Fit for Life Award: the school has also been awarded the Daily Mile Award; this is a new award that is designed to recognise and celebrate schools that have fully embraced the Daily Mile in their setting. We are now one of 22 schools across Scotland who are listed on their website!

360 Group 2023/24

The 360 group meeting fortnightly to discuss and ensure digital safety is explained and understood in an appropriate manner to enable the continued safe use of technology.

“To enable all schools and local authorities to develop an ethos of digital citizenship that leads to safe and responsible use of all technology. This will encourage schools to positively embrace technology to enhance learning now and in the future whilst helping them protect staff, children and young people from possible harmful consequences of misuse.”

Parent Council

The Parent Council are a group of parents who meet once per term to discuss a range of issues related to the school . The Head Teacher is a part of the group and will advise on any matters that arise.  Each meeting has an agenda . The Head Teacher produces a Report for every second meeting .

All parents are welcome to come along to the meetings.

Some meetings are held online and others are held in the school/in-person.

Our current Parent Council Chairs are Sarah McDonald &  Aileen Elder.  If you would like  to get in touch with either chairperson please contact the school on 01851710212.

The PC Secretary is Rebecca Cooper, with Tom Cooper as Treasurer.

You can follow the Parent Council Facebook page on Sgoil Shiaboist PC