Category Archives: Helpful Links for Parents

Safer Internet Day

What do you need to know about Reddit?

With over 50 million active daily users, Reddit is consistently one of the top 20 most visited websites in the world – it’s not surprising that it calls itself ‘the front page of the internet’. But what makes this site so popular, and what should adults be aware of if children ask about it?

Reddit’s millions of “subreddits” cover every conceivable topic, and allow people to join communities that share their hobbies and passions. The site’s policies are aimed at users aged 13 or older, but there is no age verification in place, and there have been concerns about younger children being able to see inappropriate content. Find out more about Reddit in this week’s Parent Zone exclusive article.

New season of Tech Shock podcast

We kick off series 3 of our podcast this week with an episode that’s all about disinformation.

Vicki Shotbolt, CEO and founder of Parent Zone, and Geraldine Bedell, executive editor, talk to disinformation expert Dr Charles Kriel about the misuse of vulnerable people’s personal data. We find out how people with legitimate concerns can fall prey to conspiracy theories, and what can be done to help existing and potential victims escape the disinformation trap.

“Digital literacy is a terrific solution, but it’s a 20 year solution, it’s not a solution for right now. And the trouble with 20 year solutions in the digital space is – 20 years from now we’ll be dealing with something else entirely… so we have to teach people how to understand the environment around them.” 

Find out more by searching for the Tech Shock podcast in your favorite streaming app.

Ready for #SaferInternetDay? Free live event about gaming for parents

Next Tuesday, adults and children from all over the world will be taking the time to reflect on online safety and what we can all do to make our digital world better, as we celebrate Safer Internet Day.

To mark the day, we are offering a free Safer Internet Day Special Event for parents on Tuesday 8 February, 4.30-5.00 pm, live on YouTube.

What games are appropriate for children? What are the advantages and disadvantages of gaming? How can parents make the right decision for their family? Under the headline “All fun and games? Your guide to gaming”, our expert trainer Sophie Linington will explore some of the most frequent questions parents have about gaming.

Share the invite with the families you work with, or tune in yourself on Tuesday 8 February at 4.30 pm. There’s no need to register – all you need to do to join is click this link:

You can also share our flyer with the families you work with, and write to us at if you have any questions you’d like answered.

Don’t forget to let us know how you’ve celebrated the day by tagging us on Twitter (@TheParentsZone) or Facebook (@ParentZone1) using the hashtag #SaferInternetDay.

You can also explore additional free resources to support your Safer Internet Day activities.


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Gaelic Language Support

Bidh fhios agaibh chun a seo, gu bheil Comunn na Gàidhlig an dùil tòiseachadh cothrom coinnneachaidh do chlann òg an t-seachdain seo, airson barrachd cothrom a thoirt dhaibh Gàidhlig a chleachdadh às dèidh uairean na sgoile. Cho fad sa ‘s aithne dhomh, bidh fiosrachadh air a thighinn thugaibh ann an litir, ach seo agaibh an linc gu h-iosal a thig a chuir a-mach gu parantan bhon an sgoil. Thèid an aon linc a chleachdadh gach seachdain airson gach seisean.

Tha seo ùr dhuinne aig CnaG, mar sin, tha mi an dòchas nach cur trioblaidean teicneòlas cus bacadh oirnn. Ma tha ceistean agaibh mu chàil sam bith, ni mi mo dhìcheall am freagairt.

You will have been made aware by now, that Comunn na Gàidhlig are starting after school activities this week to give younger primary groups the opportunity to have some exposure to Gaelic after school hours. As far as I am aware, a letter containing all the relevant information will have been sent out to schools/parents/guardians. Here are the links for the relevant class groups which I understand are to be distributed to parents by school offices. VScene will be accessed by each group through the same link each week. pin 1111 Dimàirt/Tuesday 4:15-4:45pm- Clas 1/Primary 1 Pin 2222 Dicidain/Wednesday 4:15-4:45- Clas 2/Primary 2 Pin 3333 Diardaoin/Thursday 4:15-4:45- Clas 3/Primary 3


This is a trial to see how things go, so I hope technology doesn’t affect us too much tomorrow. If there are any questions, I will try my best to answer them.

Taing agus dùrachdan

Ceitidh Ghreumach

Oifigear Leasachaidh Iar Thuath Leòdhais

Comunn na GàidhligGaighling Online Times

‘Dèanamaid Dihaoine – Let’s Do It Friday’

Dèanamaid Dihaoine – Let’s Do It Friday

Tro teirm a ceithir tha sinn an dùil tachartasan sònraichte airson ionnsachadh a chuir air dòigh dhuibh. Le na tachartasan seo gheibh sibh cothroman airson a bhith cruthachail, beothail agus airson ionnsachadh air a’ bhlàr-a-muigh fheuchainn! Faodaidh tu cuid de na tachartasan no na tachartasan air fad fheuchainn!

Throughout term four, we will have some special learning events on Fridays (Dèanamaid Dihaoine – Let’s Do It Friday) for you where you get the chance to be creative, active and try some outdoor learning! You can take part in some or all of these activities.



7 May (*Thursday)

Là Sàbhailteas air loidhne – e-Safety Day


15 May

Farpais-cheist Cuspairean Sòisealta – Social Studies Quiz

22 May

Là bith-iomadachd – Biodiversity Day

29 May

e-Cèilidh nan Òg

5 June

Là Spòrs – Sports Day 

12 June

  STEM – STEM day

15-19 June

Seachdain Eadar-ghluasad  – Transition Week

Please ensure that you continue to encourage your children to take part and that you share their learning experiences through posting and sharing the examples of learning taking place, both at home and at the hubs. Please also use these platforms to share and celebrate successes and achievements. Remember to tag them with #CNESLearning or #CNESGaidhlig.