
Seo bloga a th’ air a chruthachadh le sgoilearan à Leòdhas, na Hearadh agus Srath Pheofhair a tha an sàs ann am Preantas Tòisichidh anns na Meadhanan Cruthachail agus Didseatach.  Bidh sinn a’ sgaoileadh ar slighe tron chùrsa seo air a’ bhloga le beachdan agus fiosrachadh ma na pròiseactan anns a bheil sinn an sàs!

This is the blog of senior pupils from Lewis, Harris and Strathpeffer who are working towards a Foundation Apprenticeship (Gaelic Medium) in Creative Digital Media.  Through the blog we hope to share and record our journey of learning, ideas and projects.

Our ideas and projects from our Foundation Apprenticeship journey

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