Tag Archives: Section 2 – Parental Involvement in the School

Pupil Conduct

A partnership between the school and parents is required in order to ensure the best possible standard of pupil conduct.  Pupils are expected to set themselves high standards in appearance and behaviour.  School rules are relatively simple and few in number to allow for the smooth running of the school.  The general aim is to produce an atmosphere of friendly co-operation, encouraging respect and consideration for other persons and other property.

Our school rules are linked clearly to the safety of the children and the well being of the school community.  Rules tend to refer to noise and movement within the school in wet or dry weather, agreement on places where games and cycling are not allowed, and awareness of road safety.

Unfortunately, there are times when some of these rules are broken and staff must take action for the benefit of all in the school. A variety of means are used to deal with discipline problems. These may range from verbal admonition to requesting a meeting with parents in order to discuss pupil behaviour, discipline, and/or difficulties. The school seeks to keep parents informed of any problems of this nature and anticipates active co-operation from parents where necessary so that their child and all others in the school will benefit from the educational provision being made.

Our pupils are encouraged to use the Golden Rules as their Behaviour Code

The Golden Rules

 Do be gentle …………………….. Do not hurt anybody

Do be kind and helpful ………… Do not hurt people’s feelings

Do work hard …………………… Do not waste your or other people’s time

Do look after property ………… Do not waste or damage things

Do listen to people …………….. Do not interrupt

Do be honest ……………………. Do not cover up the truth

Dealing with Bullying

The School aims to provide a safe and caring environment for all who enter its doors and in which each child feels valued, confident and secure. A range of issues relating to relationships, tolerance and emotional health are regularly discussed as part of the Health and Wellbeing programme and children are encouraged to discuss any problems, worries or concerns they may have with their teachers and/or other adults in the school as soon as possible.

 Occurrences of bullying will hopefully be minimised if staff, pupils and parents work in partnership to fulfil the recommendations of the Anti-Bullying Policy. Parents should inform the School immediately if they become aware of any incidents of bullying and should keep a written record of any incidents including the date, the  children involved, and what happened. This will help the school to deal with the situation and agree the best way to support the child inside and outside the school. Any instances of bullying will be dealt with in line with the school’s policy on bullying and discipline.

 The school endorses the Comhairle’s Policy relating to Anti-Bullying which can be found here:-


Promotion of Positive Behaviour

At Bernera School, we believe that each child has a right to the best education which can be provided in a partnership between school, parents and the community. We therefore aim, through strong, consistent and fair management of pupil behaviour, to establish a happy, secure and purposeful environment in which each child may develop his or her full potential. Providing this good learning environment is an important precondition for pupils attaining the highest possible levels of attainment. Every child is therefore asked to conform to the rules of the school and parents are kept informed so that they can support the systems in use.

School staff aim to put the emphasis on praise and reward for good behaviour.  We also seek to involve our pupils in determining rules for their own classrooms and encourage all our pupils to participate fully in the life of the school. 

 Both teaching and non-teaching staff seek to be consistent in their approaches when working with our pupils in and out of the classroom and seek to do all that they can in order to ensure a positive learning environment exists for all pupils.

 Pupils are well motivated in their learning as teaching staff utilise a wide range of techniques, strategies and methods to support learning. Staff work alongside of pupils and encourage pupils to persevere and engage in solution oriented approaches when difficulties arise. Those pupils with additional support needs are supported in their learning by having appropriate learning plans (Action Plans/IEP’s) written up to specifically target areas of difficulty. Parents are encouraged to participate in the review process and to work with the school in meeting the needs of their children. The resulting good relationships which arise, ensure that pupils are aware that home and school work together and such partnership working invariably assists in the promotion of    positive behaviour at home and at school.

Bernera School Handbook – Contents

You will find information about the school in the following sections of the School Handbook. Please click on the link for the appropriate section on the menu on the right hand side and scroll down through the section till you locate the information you require.


¨ Contact Details

¨ About Bernera School

¨ Organisation of the School Day

¨ Agreed Term Dates for Session 2012-13 and Session 2013-14

¨ Attendance and Absence

¨ School Uniform

¨ Footwear and Clothing Grants

¨ School Meals

¨ Travel To and From School

¨ Unexpected Closures

¨ Communication with Home

¨ Mobile Phone Policy

¨ Complaints, Comments and Suggestions Procedures

¨ Medical and Health Information

¨ School Policies


¨ Parents Welcome

¨ Parental Involvement

¨  Formal Parent Representation

¨ Pupil Council

¨ The Vision, Values and Aims of Bernera Primary School

¨ School Ethos

¨ Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Values

¨ Pupil Conduct

¨ Dealing With Bullying

¨ Promotion of Positive Behaviour


¨ Curriculum for Excellence

¨ Planning and Delivery

¨ Homework Policy

¨ Sensitive Aspects of Learning

¨ Active Schools

¨ Assessment

¨ Reporting to Parents


¨ Additional Support Needs

¨ Pastoral Support Arrangements

¨ Transitions

¨ Transfer from Nursery to Primary

¨ Primary School Admissions

¨ Primary to Secondary Transfer

¨ Placing Requests


¨ Standards and Quality Report

¨ School Improvement Plan

¨ Transferring Educational Data About Pupils