Tag Archives: School Aims

Our School Aims

In Bernera School, we aim: 

¨ To establish a friendly and trusting relationship between home and school.

 ¨ To nurture a tolerant and caring attitude, showing respect and understanding of others.

 ¨ To provide appropriate support to children in all aspects of their learning and wider achievements.

 ¨ To foster a sense of belonging and heritage in the traditions of their local community.

 ¨ To help all children achieve their full potential.

Teaching Staff do their best to ensure pupils benefit from positive learning environments where they feel safe, included and supported. Our pupils are encouraged to work hard and experience success in their learning. Teaching staff use a range of techniques and strategies to reward good work and to encourage and support individual pupils as and when they need it including certificates and awards. All pupils are encouraged to participate in a range of extra-curricular activities and most do – both in and beyond the island of Great Bernera. Our pupils delight in their successes outside of school and are keen to share these at Assembly times with the school community.