Tag Archives: Reporting to Parents

Reporting to Parents

Teachers report on pupils’ progress and attainment across the whole curriculum, using their professional  judgement and the evidence available to them from continuous formative assessments undertaken throughout the year in relation to nationally agreed and understood standards. 

Reports on pupil’s progress are an important form of communication between home and school. Parents receive two written reports each year. The first of these around October/November is a brief update which focuses on Literacy, Numeracy, Health and Wellbeing and Support for Learning. This is followed up by a Parent-Teacher consultation in November.

 A more comprehensive report is issued at the end of March outlining their children’s successes and also areas for further development in each of the curricular areas. In addition to this, teaching staff comment on children’s attitude to learning, the results of cognitive ability tests, pupil’s wider achievements and offer advice to parents in terms of how they can best support their child’s learning. Both pupils and parents are also given the opportunity to comment on the report. Again this report is followed up with a Parent-Teacher consultation which is usually scheduled in early May. 

Parent-Teacher appointments allow class teachers to meet with parents to discuss their child’s progress and all parents are encouraged to attend at these times.  In addition to these scheduled evenings, parents are welcome to telephone the Head Teacher to arrange a suitable time to visit the school to discuss any matter which is causing them concern. 

Parents are encouraged to discuss their child’s report with them as children benefit from and are supported by the ongoing dialogue about their progress, both from school and from home.  Such dialogue encourages   children as they seek to take the next steps in their learning. 

Parents of pupils with additional support needs are also regularly invited in to the school to meet with teaching staff in order to review their child’s Action Plan or Individual Education Programme (IEP). Support for Learning and Teaching staff greatly value the contribution made by parents at these meetings and welcome the opportunity to work with parents in a positive way for the benefit of our pupils.