Tag Archives: Pupil Council

Pupil Council

The constitution of the Pupil Council states that Membership of the Pupil Council “shall be made up of one  representative from P3-P5 and two representatives from P6-7.”

Pupil Council elections have traditionally taken place at the start of the school session in September. All children from Primary 3 – 7 are eligible for nomination to the Pupil Council and all pupils in the school are eligible to vote. As the school roll has dropped markedly over the last 2-3 years pupils have indicated that it is their preference that rather than having an elected Pupil Council who meet regularly, ALL pupils are consulted on matters which would normally come to the attention of the Pupil Council at Assembly times when they are altogether. In this way ALL pupils have the opportunity to be involved in making decisions and discussing school matters with the staff and the processes of engagement are inclusive.