Tag Archives: Moral and Cultural Values

Spiritual, Moral and Cultural Values

Bernera School aims to develop the spiritual, moral, social and cultural values of its pupils, having regard to the values of the community, and guided by the recommendations contained in national and regional guidelines.

Religious Education is an integral part of the curriculum, offering pupils the opportunity to develop their own beliefs, attitudes, moral values and       practices, through a process of personal search discovery and critical    evaluation. Class lessons deal with a variety of issues and children and staff also meet together for a whole school Assembly each week.

Parents who wish to execute their right to withdraw their child from Religious and Moral Education or Religious Observance should put their request in  writing to the Head Teacher. 

Parents can be assured that should they choose to exercise this right, their children will be appropriately supervised by a member of staff elsewhere at such times.

Rev Hugh Stewart of Bernera Church of Scotland serves as School Chaplain to the school and visits the school regularly to take Assembly and conduct acts of Religious Observance. 

A copy of the Religious Observance Policy may be found at:- 
