School Ethos

Great Bernera is typical of a small island community with strong and passionate community spirit. Being the only school on the island of Great Bernera the school plays a central role and is at the heart of the local  community being situated in the thriving village of Breaclete. The school has worked alongside and in partnership with the Bernera Community Association on a number of projects over many years to work with, support and serve the community.

The school also enjoys very good relationships with the Community Café, Bernera Museum, Bernera School of Highland Dancing and the Bernera Shop. Many individuals working within Bernera are in regular contact with the school and are supportive of our endeavours—as we are of theirs. 

Highland Dancing classes are held in the dance studio on a weekly basis and these have proved very popular with the children, many of whom have gone on to achieve success at dancing competitions across the Western Isles.

The school is also a member of the Get Set Network which was set up to prepare for the London Olympics. The Network has provided our pupils with a greater sense of Local and Global Citizenship as our pupils have      participated in a wide range of activities alongside of schools right across the country.

We seek to instil in our pupils a heart for the local community and to ensure that they grow up in a safe and thriving community to which they are proud to belong and proud to live and work in.

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