Week 14

All classes should be working on Daily Homework week 14.

Supported Study:

  • Monday – Mathemagicians at lunch and after school in G1.
  • Monday – National 5 after school in G6
  • Tuesday – National 5 after school in G1
  • Tuesday – Higher after school in G3
  • Tuesday – Advanced Higher after school in 1.1
  • Tuesday – S2 Lunch time in G2.

Upcoming dates:

  • S1 Assessment – Friday 9th November
  • Higher Assessment – Wednesday 14th December

Week 13

All classes should be working on Daily Homework week 13.

Supported Study:

  • Monday – Mathemagicians at lunch and after school in G1.
  • Monday – National 5 after school in G6
  • Tuesday – National 5 after school in G1
  • Tuesday – Higher after school in G3
  • Tuesday – Advanced Higher after school in 1.1
  • Tuesday – S3 Lunch time in G2.
  • Wednesday – Higher online at 7pm (link on googleclassrooms).
  • Wednesday – S3 Lunch time in G2.

Upcoming dates:

  • S3 Assessments – Wednesday 23rd and Friday 25th November
  • S4 National 5 prelim – Friday 25th November
  • S1 Assessment – Friday 9th November

Week 12

All classes should be working on Daily Homework week 12.

Supported Study:

  • Monday – Mathemagicians at lunch and after school in G1.
  • Monday – National 5 after school in G6
  • Tuesday – National 5 after school in G1
  • Tuesday – Higher after school in G3
  • Tuesday – Advanced Higher after school in 1.1
  • Wednesday – Higher online at 7pm (link on googleclassrooms)

Upcoming dates:

  • S3 Assessments – 23rd and 24th November
  • S4 National 5 prelim – 25th November

Week 11

All classes should be working on Daily Homework week 11.

Supported Study:

  • Monday – Mathemagicians at lunch and after school in G1.
  • Monday – National 5 after school in G6
  • Tuesday – National 5 after school in G1
  • Tuesday – Higher after school in G3
  • Tuesday – Advanced Higher after school in 1.1
  • Wednesday – Higher online at 7pm (link on googleclassrooms)