S1 – S3
For each day you are off school, please complete one newspaper analysis activity as outlined in this document: Choose your own article
You should also continue with your personal reading
S4 – S6
All levels
Find a broadsheet newspaper article and complete the Newspaper Analysis grid below. Use the links at the side of this page to help you fnd an appropriate article. Look at the sections named “Comment” or “Opinion” to find the articles that are most similar to those you are likely to find in the exams.
National 4
Look at the Reading and Listening sections on the BBC Bitesize website. In the Reading section, only look at ‘Analysing Language’ and ‘Understanding and Inference’.
BBC Bitesize: National 4 English
National 5 and Higher
Independently study Reading for Understanding, Analysis and Evaluation and your Scottish Text using the BBC Bitesize resources. You should also look over your notes and use the SQA Past Papers. The SQA website has marking instructions for each paper.
BBC Bitesize: National 5 English
SQA Past Papers: National 5 English
SQA Past Papers: Higher English
Advanced Higher
Continue working on your Dissertation and Portfolio of Writing. You may also wish to prepare for the Literary Study and Textual Analysis sections of the course by looking over your notes and the SQA Past Papers.
SQA Past Papers: Advanced Higher English