On Tuesday 18th August, former Williamwood pupil Joe Gardner competed in the ‘Class Clowns’ stand-up comedy competition at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe. The competition, for ages 12-18, was staged at the Gilded Balloon which is Edinburgh’s top comedy venue. Joe successfully made it to the final where he faced 4 other teenagers from all across Scotland. The competition was judged by venue founder Karen Koren and comedians Kevin Day and Jo Brand! After some deliberation, Joe was announced as the winner, making him the first ever Class Clowns winner in Edinburgh and the ‘funniest teenager in Scotland’. Joe was supported by many of his peers and staff on the night. His professional and slick style of delivering relatable, honest material was commended by the judges. The comedy baton was gladly passed from one Jo(e) to another!
On Tuesday 28 October, the S1/S2 Drama Club performed improvised dramas based on Halloween. Over 50 pupils from S1 and S2 dressed in their spookiest costumes and performed to each other. A big thank you to the S6 pupils and Mrs Drewett for making this the largest and scariest Halloween performance to date. Happy Halloween!
Roxie Rocks Williamwood! The performing arts department are delighted to present a short trailer of our pupils getting prepared for the first performance of this year’s school show CHICAGO. Pupils from S1 to S6 were involved in every aspect of putting this musical together; actors, musicians, dancers and a production team. The performances were a huge success! Trailer can be viewed here
Congratulations to Euan Odd S5 who received Drama full colours for his work on lighting and sound in the Opening and Closing ceremonies at the Commonwealth Games in August.
On Thursday 11th September the S4 National Drama class were visited by the production team behind the BBC documentary ‘Being 16 in 2014’, Matt Pinder and Natalie Moss. Matt is a freelance Director/Producer, with over 80 hours of factual television to his credit, was accompanied by Assistant Director Natalie Moss. Pupils are currently studying a unit about Production Skills and were given the opportunity to ask about the following topics; working in the creative industries, the process of filming and editing a documentary and get advice for their own work experience.
"What is drama but life with the dull bits cut out."