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Friday 18th November

I hope everyone has has a wonderful week. This one seems to have passed very quickly.
Miss Taylor’s class have been busy making cushions. They have done really well and their crafting skills look great!

Senior pupils are continuing to enjoy their college courses and we have had very positive feedback from the lecturers and college staff.

Over the next month there are two trips organised: the Aladdin trip is now organised. Please return any outstanding consent forms to Miss Macdonald asap. Miss Glen is also organising a trip. This is to Bounce Station, East Kilbride on Friday 2nd December. Here are more details:

Bounce Station contains an inflatable park with super bounce pillows, inflatable slides, sweepers, ninja run, Jelly Mountain and a climbing wall (no trampolines). The cost of the trip is £12 per pupil which includes the socks required to use the equipment and transport costs. If your child is interested in this trip please let Mr Moffat by know Monday 21st November.

Some of our senior pupils will sit prelims from next week. We wish them the best of luck. There are alternative prelim dates for some pupils and subjects which will take place later in December.

And finally, Jayden turned 18 this week. As Jayden now spends most of his time in mainstream, he kept this very quiet. But we would finally like to wish Jayden a very, very happy belated birthday.

Friday 11th November

Hi there

A few pieces of news this week – apologies for no update last week.
The tickets for the pantomime on 15th December are now booked and consent forms sent home. Please return these to Miss Macdonald over the next couple of weeks. We will let pupils know arrangements for lunches, uniform and any other questions at a CSS assembly nearer the time.

A reminder that S4 work experience takes place in January. Pupils are expected to find their own placements. Miss Macdonald is looking at possible alternatives to this for pupils struggling to find a placement.

At our fortnightly assemblies Miss Norman and Miss Jamieson spoke to pupils in S3 and above about the Bronze Duke of Edinburgh Award which they have the opportunity to take part in. All S3-S6 pupils have been signed up to this and can then decide whether they would like to take part or not. Further details will be given as classes are set up and final decisions are made.

College placements are still ongoing and pupils are enjoying them very much. On Tuesday Casper at his independent travelling course was able to travel on the bus to Silverburn. While there, the class had a wander of the shops. Casper really enjoyed the Asterix and Obelix books in Waterstones!

The S3 boys took part in some kite building and flying. They certainly had the weather for it!

Friday 28th October

This week we welcomed everyone back after the October week. We are really looking forward to this half term and the busy build up to the winter break, and Christmas for those who celebrate.
Miss Norman and the S3 class were tasked with carving pumpkins for the S1 and 2 Halloween disco which took place on Wednesday. I’m sure you will agree their designs and the results are superb!

Just a reminder, any outstanding payments for the pantomime trip in December need to be made by Thursday 3rd November. Numbers need to be confirmed by Friday 4th. Please make any payment due, through Parent Pay, by this date to secure your ticket.

Have a wonderful weekend.

Friday 14th October

The last week of this half term has continued to be very busy for staff and pupils. Most reviews have now been done and the S5/6 classes had their first parents evening on Thursday. Pupils have worked hard to finish units of work this week, ready to start afresh in the new term.

Parent Pay has been opened for those pupils wishing to go on the Pantomime trip on Thursday 11th December. The trip is to Aladdin at the Pavilion Theatre, Glasgow. We would ask if payment could be made by Monday 24th October to secure seats. If anyone else would like to attend, please contact the CSS as soon as possible and we will see if this can be accommodated.

Miss Norman took her S3 John Muir Award group to Rouken Glen garden centre to choose and purchase plants for the school building. They have been given responsibility for decorating the school interior and maintaining plants. Their displays are taking shape and look beautiful.

Ruth, Mark and Thomas made lanterns in ASDAN – I’m sure you will agree they are very creative and a great idea.

Jonny also created a very intricate model.

Susie and Lewis got excellent results in their unit review for N5 Biology; the seniors passed their Life in Ancient Greece N3 or N4 assessment for Classical Studies; well done Mark for passing three (!) assessments for your N1 Communication award.

The seniors Mental Health Group have been looking at anxiety and how the brain works. They made ‘brain’ head dresses of their thoughts – as seen here!

Finally, can we wish Jonny (S3) a very, very happy 14th birthday for during the holidays and wish everyone a relaxing October week.

Friday 7th October

It has certainly been a wet and windy week this week! Not many outdoor activities have taken place, although Miss Norman’s class still took part in their litter pick. The group were nominated for the We Are East Renfrewshire Awards in the Going the Extra Mile category. We are so proud of their efforts and achievement, beating other very hardworking groups to the nomination.

Ammaar received the pupil of the block award for his continued enthusiasm and positivity in PE.

The S1 PE group enjoyed some archery with Miss Glen.

Review meetings continue this week, Mr Moffat will be in touch with dates and times.
Next week more information will be sent out from Miss Macdonald about upcoming events: the Halloween Showcase and December pantomime trip. Keep an eye out on the website, newsletter and for information home.

And finally, Susie celebrated turning 16 this week.
Happy birthday, Susie.

Friday 30th September

Hi there

It seems we are getting into the Autumn season – with the weather – now!
Last week Casper and Adnan went to Cardonald Library as part of their Independent Travelling course. This was their first walk, where they learned and demonstrated safe road crossing skills. They also had fun browsing books of topics they like, in the library.

Review meetings are beginning next week and parents will be notified in due course of dates and times.

Miss Macdonald has already started thinking about the end of term theatre trip for December. This is optional and pupils are currently voting between going to see Aladdin at The Pavilion Theatre or Nativity: The Musical at The Theatre Royal. The vote will close today! As soon as a decision is made, staff will be in touch with prices, dates and all necessary information.

Have a great weekend everyone.

Friday September 16th

Aaron has been working on some posters about bullying which we are hoping to copy and display around the school. He is also hoping this could be part of a whole school alliance or group. Here is one he finished this morning.



Please remember, due to the funeral of Queen Elizabeth II, school will be closed on Monday. We look forward to seeing everyone again on Tuesday. Have a lovely weekend everyone.

Friday September 9th

Another week of term has passed, we have now been back for three full weeks. The college courses have started and our S5 and S6 pupils are really enjoying their times at college. Casper and Adnan attend on a Tuesday, here is their picture.

Sharon, Jack and Josh go to Cardonald on a Friday and are making the most of both their morning and afternoon courses.

Today we welcomed Miss Jamieson to the department. She is going to work with us for a period of time. Lots of the young people remembered her from her Art lessons and made her feel very welcome.

Friday 2nd September

Hello everyone, welcome to the start of Autumn! We have been making the most of the settled, sunny weather during Health and Wellbeing and Rest and Review times. As soon as data protection forms are returned to school I can add lots more photos every week.
We are all used to our new timetables now, and of course pupils can let any staff member know if there are any issues.
The school and local authority will be able to let people know if school will be closed for industrial action next Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday as soon as they can.

Have a brilliant weekend, see you all on Monday.

Friday 26th August

We have made it to the end of our first full week back after the summer holidays. Well done everyone!
A particular mention to our new S1 pupils who have now experienced a full week of both mainstream and CSS classes. Everyone has settled in really well and it is great to see such positive interactions with peers and staff from across the service and whole school. I hope you have enjoyed your first full week.
Already lots of activities have gone on and we have found out more about summer achievements too.
Ruth won an award for winning a sealife related quiz during her holiday to the Lake District. Here she is with her medal – well done Ruth.

Miss Norman and Miss Smyth took the S3 class on a litter pick down by the river next to the school. They collected a lot of rubbish that had been discarded and tidied up the area. This is something the group are very passionate about – well done boys!

Our old S6 leavers started college this week. We have heard how brilliantly they have got on and are glad they are staying in touch with us.

And finally, there are birthday wishes. Jack turned 18 over the summer! We hope you had a brilliant time. Ryan turned 13 on Wednesday and Miss Glen celebrates her birthday today. Happy birthday to you both.