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Thursday 9th February

A day early this week because tomorrow is a holiday for pupils and inset day for staff.

This week it was nice to see so many S2 parents at parents’ evening this week and share updates on how well the pupils are doing. Next Thursday is P5/6 parents’ evening and more details will follow.

Not many pictures this week, here is one of Ruth (S4) on the sound desk at her recent work experience. She helped in her local church for her week.

We hope you all have a great long weekend! Enjoy the break and see you next Wednesday. Spring is nearly here!

Friday 3rd February

Welcome to February!

This week the S5/6 pupils continued with their Higher and AH Prelims. Well done to everyone who studied extremely hard and put in a great effort.
The S5/6 class continue to do great work with their lifeskills cookery on a Thursday morning. This week we finally remembered to bring a camera. Here is Josh with his delicious French toast. I’m sure they will all be able to make this for a yummy lunch at home now.


Congratulations to Lewis, S1, who was the mascot for his football team, Arthurlie last weekend. Lewis, you look great.

Just a reminder, we will do the website on Thursday next week, because Friday is an inset day for pupils. Monday 13th and Tuesday 14th are also holidays. Pupils will return on Wednesday 15th February. There will be a parents night for S5/6 pupils on Thursday 16th February in WWHS.

Friday 27th January

This week was another busy week. Some senior pupils took their Higher and Advanced Higher prelims. We wish them luck and are proud of how hard they have been working.
Two of our S4 pupils, Thomas and Ruth, have been on work experience this week. It will be interesting to hear how they have got on. Mark joined the senior class yesterday, making pancakes at the vocational kitchen at Barrhead as part of a Lifeskills lesson. Rafa, from the mainstream part of the school joined us this week for his work experience. The S1 and S2 classes really enjoyed having him to chat to. Thank you Rafa.

The S1/s Science class did some interesting experiements about forces. They used magnets to separate two solids, and liquid to separate colours. Their filter papers made some very pretty patterns.

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Friday 20th January

This week we have been busy with classes, college and activities.
At his independent travelling course, Casper (S5) was able to take the bus from Cardonald College to Braehead Shopping Centre using his bus pass. He enjoyed walking around the shops at Braehead!

Miss Christo’s S1/2 class made some amazing artwork based on Aztec art and the calendar. Here are a few photos of the wall display.




Next week some of our S4 pupils will go to work experience in local businesses. Good luck, we look forward to hearing how you got on. Pupils staying in school will do some work based activities and learning with CSS staff.

Congratulations to Jayden (S6) who has been offered a conditional place at Stirling University to study Zoology.

Friday 13th January 2023

Happy New Year everyone

I hope you all had a wonderful, relaxing holiday and a brilliant Christmas and New Year if you were celebrating.
It has been a busy start to term already.
Jonny (S3) has recently received The Approach certificate from the Saltire Awards. This is to certify that he has completed 10 hours of volunteering. The certificate is signed by the deputy first minister. He is also only 4.5 hours away from the Approach 25 hours award! Well done, Jonny.
Darryl (S3) has also has gained his 10 hour Approach award. He is 11 hours away from his next award. Darryl has provided peer support to a S1 World Studies class. He didn’t want his photo on the website!

We also celebrate a birthday today: Ruth has turned 16. Happy birthday Ruth.

Friday 23rd December

We have made it!!!
Can we all wish everyone in the CSS a wonderful holiday. Whether you are celebrating Christmas, New Year or simply having a relaxing couple of weeks, have a brilliant time.
The term has ended on a high. Well done to the seniors who tried really hard with prelims. Often this was their first time in a formal exam situation. Whatever the result, the experience of attempting the papers is very important.
Congratulations to Mark, who has completed and passed National 1 Communication.

Unbelievably, we raised over £550 at the Christmas Fair last week! Well done to everyone and thank you again to all who supported us. The money will go a long way towards supporting our trips and activities next year.

The S1 Science class took part in some fun activities this week. Evan tried to beat the world record for goggle wearing with 13 pairs. We are not sure if he made it, but his attempt was quite impressive!

We had three birthdays in the department this week!

Happy birthday to Miss Cristo who celebrated on Sunday.

Happy birthday to Jacob who turned 13 on Wednesday.

Finally, happy birthday to Sharon who turned 18 on Wednesday! Here are some photos of her celebrating with her class and friends.

Once again, enjoy the fun of the last day and we will see you all again in 2023.

Friday 16th December

Today was one of our favourite days of the year (especially Miss Macdonald’s!) Christmas Fair. Here are some photos – there will be more next week!

Thank you so much to everyone who came along, bought things, played music, bought tombola tickets, knitted, donated gifts and baking, supported us, danced on the bridge or in the Street, gave us donations or just said hi! We have raised so much for a CSS trip – an update with the full amount will follow.

Mark and Ruth helped do the shopping for us this week – here they are after careful budgetting.

That was not the only Christmas spirit we felt this week. On Thursday a group went to Aladdin at the Pavilion Theatre in Glasgow.

And finally, Mr Guthrie and Miss Norman got in on some festive action this week too!

Next week is the last week of term. There will be more fair photos and hopefully lots more fun to come before the end of term. Have a brilliant weekend everyone.

Friday 9th December

Today is Christmas jumper today – we are definitely starting to feel festive across the school. There are lots of activities taking place over the next fortnight, as we count down to the end of term on Friday 23rd.
Some of the S1 pupils kicked off the festivities with a visit to CCC this week, supporting their Christmas fair. They said it was lovely to see some old friends and staff.
Next Thursday is the pantomime trip to Aladdin at the Pavilion Theatre in Glasgow. It is the first time we have been able to take a group since the pandemic, so everyone is very excited and looking forward to it. I can now give pupils more information about organisation on the day:
Everyone should wear full school uniform on the trip.
We will leave school during period 2 and return during period 6.
All pupils must bring snacks and lunch on the day. This should also include enough water/drinks. The show is sold out and so it will be very warm in the auditorium.
Due to the limited space in the theatre stalls, pupils will only be able to bring one school bag with them to the theatre. This should include their lunch box etc. Any PE kits and so on will be stored safely in the CSS until the return to school.
If anyone has any questions, please contact Miss Macdonald at the Service. Those with consent forms still outstanding, please return on Monday.

We then have our Christmas Fair on the ‘bridge’ on Friday lunchtime. Some senior pupils have kindly agreed to give up their lunchtime to support this very popular event. All profits from the fair go towards the cost of future trips. Pupils and staff are hard at work making goodies and crafts to sell at the fair, plus there will also be prizes to win. There will be reminders during the week to bring some spare change and pocket money if you would like to buy any juice, sweets, crafts etc.

And finally, Finlay (S3) celebrated his birthday over the weekend last week. Happy birthday. Finlay. We hope you had a lovely day.

Friday 2nd December

And just like that it was December!

Here we are in the last few weeks of this term; they will certainly be busy ones.
Casper got into the festive mood at college, with a visit to the Christmas lights in the city centre.

Over the next few weeks we will get even more into the festive, Christmas and holiday mood with the panto trip, Christmas fair and other celebrations and treats along the way.

Today is the BounceStation EK trip, which most pupils are attending. I really look forward to adding some pictures from the day to the website as soon as I have any!

Friday 25th November

Another week has passed very quickly; in fact it is December very soon!

Over the next two weeks our two trips will be going ahead.

Miss Glen has organised a trip for all pupils at Bounce Station, East Kilbride. The trip is next Friday, 2nd December. Please make sure you have returned all consent forms as soon as possible. Here are more details: Bounce Station contains an inflatable park with super bounce pillows, inflatable slides, sweepers, ninja run, Jelly Mountain and a climbing wall (no trampolines). The cost of the trip is £12 per pupil which includes the socks required to use the equipment and transport costs. ParentPay will be set up for interested pupils.

The Aladdin trip for 15th December is also now organised. Please return any outstanding consent forms to Miss Macdonald asap.

We also have exciting news about the Christmas Fair which will once again go ahead. This will be at lunchtime on Thursday 16th December and more details will follow. Each year, as well as having lots of fun, we manage to raise funds to subsidise our trips and events. Hopefully this year will be no different. I look forward to sharing photos of our preparations over the next few weeks.

Some of our senior pupils will continue with their prelims into December. They have been doing so well thus far. We wish them the best of luck.