Friday 24th February

This week we have lots of news and photos to share.
The S3 pupils continue to support the school and local area by litter picking. We are so grateful for their efforts and contribution to the school community and proud they are being recognised for this through, for example, Saltire Awards. Here are so photos of them hard at work. We do hope some day they will not need to do this at all!

Congratulations to Ruth (S4) who received a Music badge at assembly this week. She was presented with the badge for her contributions at Ukulele Club on a Wednesday lunchtime.

Some of our seniors were able to make the most of the late winter sun during health and wellbeing lessons today. Spring is almost here!


Casper continues to have fun at college on a Tuesday afternoon and went bowling as part of his course this week.

Finally, happy birthday to Lewis (S1), who turned 12 on Wednesday this week. We hope you had a lovely day.