Daily Archives: April 28, 2023

Friday 28th April

SQA exams started this week. Well done Lewis, Kaiden, Jayden, Aaron and Thomas who made it through the first week. It looks like the boys all feel they did ok. Keep up the good work and studying for the forthcoming assessments. It will all be worth it in the end!
As promised, here are photos from the S6 leavers trip last Friday.

Ruth and Mark joined the S3 class for some lifeskills cookery at BHS on Monday. We made thumbprint biscuits. The recipe didn’t exactly go to plan, but the biscuits still tasted great and would be fine with some ice-cream! Isn’t everything?

Sharon and Miss Jamieson made bird feeders as part of Environmental Science. They recycled old water bottles and pencils. What a great idea.

Finally, Eleanor celebrated her birthday this week. Happy birthday Eleanor!