Friday 3rd February

Welcome to February!

This week the S5/6 pupils continued with their Higher and AH Prelims. Well done to everyone who studied extremely hard and put in a great effort.
The S5/6 class continue to do great work with their lifeskills cookery on a Thursday morning. This week we finally remembered to bring a camera. Here is Josh with his delicious French toast. I’m sure they will all be able to make this for a yummy lunch at home now.


Congratulations to Lewis, S1, who was the mascot for his football team, Arthurlie last weekend. Lewis, you look great.

Just a reminder, we will do the website on Thursday next week, because Friday is an inset day for pupils. Monday 13th and Tuesday 14th are also holidays. Pupils will return on Wednesday 15th February. There will be a parents night for S5/6 pupils on Thursday 16th February in WWHS.