Monthly Archives: February 2023

Friday 24th February

This week we have lots of news and photos to share.
The S3 pupils continue to support the school and local area by litter picking. We are so grateful for their efforts and contribution to the school community and proud they are being recognised for this through, for example, Saltire Awards. Here are so photos of them hard at work. We do hope some day they will not need to do this at all!

Congratulations to Ruth (S4) who received a Music badge at assembly this week. She was presented with the badge for her contributions at Ukulele Club on a Wednesday lunchtime.

Some of our seniors were able to make the most of the late winter sun during health and wellbeing lessons today. Spring is almost here!


Casper continues to have fun at college on a Tuesday afternoon and went bowling as part of his course this week.

Finally, happy birthday to Lewis (S1), who turned 12 on Wednesday this week. We hope you had a lovely day.

Friday 17th February

This has been a very short week because we were on holiday on Monday and Tuesday. I hope everyone had a lovely time.
Sharon was kind enough to make some heart shaped stickers which she gave out on Wednesday as a late Valentine’s gift. Here she is with her stickers.

Last night was parents’ evening for S5 and S6. It was lovely to see so many parents come along, and for staff to discuss progress and achievements.

We hope everyone has a lovely weekend and look forward to a full week on Monday.

Thursday 9th February

A day early this week because tomorrow is a holiday for pupils and inset day for staff.

This week it was nice to see so many S2 parents at parents’ evening this week and share updates on how well the pupils are doing. Next Thursday is P5/6 parents’ evening and more details will follow.

Not many pictures this week, here is one of Ruth (S4) on the sound desk at her recent work experience. She helped in her local church for her week.

We hope you all have a great long weekend! Enjoy the break and see you next Wednesday. Spring is nearly here!

Friday 3rd February

Welcome to February!

This week the S5/6 pupils continued with their Higher and AH Prelims. Well done to everyone who studied extremely hard and put in a great effort.
The S5/6 class continue to do great work with their lifeskills cookery on a Thursday morning. This week we finally remembered to bring a camera. Here is Josh with his delicious French toast. I’m sure they will all be able to make this for a yummy lunch at home now.


Congratulations to Lewis, S1, who was the mascot for his football team, Arthurlie last weekend. Lewis, you look great.

Just a reminder, we will do the website on Thursday next week, because Friday is an inset day for pupils. Monday 13th and Tuesday 14th are also holidays. Pupils will return on Wednesday 15th February. There will be a parents night for S5/6 pupils on Thursday 16th February in WWHS.