Monthly Archives: January 2023

Friday 27th January

This week was another busy week. Some senior pupils took their Higher and Advanced Higher prelims. We wish them luck and are proud of how hard they have been working.
Two of our S4 pupils, Thomas and Ruth, have been on work experience this week. It will be interesting to hear how they have got on. Mark joined the senior class yesterday, making pancakes at the vocational kitchen at Barrhead as part of a Lifeskills lesson. Rafa, from the mainstream part of the school joined us this week for his work experience. The S1 and S2 classes really enjoyed having him to chat to. Thank you Rafa.

The S1/s Science class did some interesting experiements about forces. They used magnets to separate two solids, and liquid to separate colours. Their filter papers made some very pretty patterns.

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Friday 20th January

This week we have been busy with classes, college and activities.
At his independent travelling course, Casper (S5) was able to take the bus from Cardonald College to Braehead Shopping Centre using his bus pass. He enjoyed walking around the shops at Braehead!

Miss Christo’s S1/2 class made some amazing artwork based on Aztec art and the calendar. Here are a few photos of the wall display.




Next week some of our S4 pupils will go to work experience in local businesses. Good luck, we look forward to hearing how you got on. Pupils staying in school will do some work based activities and learning with CSS staff.

Congratulations to Jayden (S6) who has been offered a conditional place at Stirling University to study Zoology.

Friday 13th January 2023

Happy New Year everyone

I hope you all had a wonderful, relaxing holiday and a brilliant Christmas and New Year if you were celebrating.
It has been a busy start to term already.
Jonny (S3) has recently received The Approach certificate from the Saltire Awards. This is to certify that he has completed 10 hours of volunteering. The certificate is signed by the deputy first minister. He is also only 4.5 hours away from the Approach 25 hours award! Well done, Jonny.
Darryl (S3) has also has gained his 10 hour Approach award. He is 11 hours away from his next award. Darryl has provided peer support to a S1 World Studies class. He didn’t want his photo on the website!

We also celebrate a birthday today: Ruth has turned 16. Happy birthday Ruth.