Friday 16th December

Today was one of our favourite days of the year (especially Miss Macdonald’s!) Christmas Fair. Here are some photos – there will be more next week!

Thank you so much to everyone who came along, bought things, played music, bought tombola tickets, knitted, donated gifts and baking, supported us, danced on the bridge or in the Street, gave us donations or just said hi! We have raised so much for a CSS trip – an update with the full amount will follow.

Mark and Ruth helped do the shopping for us this week – here they are after careful budgetting.

That was not the only Christmas spirit we felt this week. On Thursday a group went to Aladdin at the Pavilion Theatre in Glasgow.

And finally, Mr Guthrie and Miss Norman got in on some festive action this week too!

Next week is the last week of term. There will be more fair photos and hopefully lots more fun to come before the end of term. Have a brilliant weekend everyone.