Friday 9th December

Today is Christmas jumper today – we are definitely starting to feel festive across the school. There are lots of activities taking place over the next fortnight, as we count down to the end of term on Friday 23rd.
Some of the S1 pupils kicked off the festivities with a visit to CCC this week, supporting their Christmas fair. They said it was lovely to see some old friends and staff.
Next Thursday is the pantomime trip to Aladdin at the Pavilion Theatre in Glasgow. It is the first time we have been able to take a group since the pandemic, so everyone is very excited and looking forward to it. I can now give pupils more information about organisation on the day:
Everyone should wear full school uniform on the trip.
We will leave school during period 2 and return during period 6.
All pupils must bring snacks and lunch on the day. This should also include enough water/drinks. The show is sold out and so it will be very warm in the auditorium.
Due to the limited space in the theatre stalls, pupils will only be able to bring one school bag with them to the theatre. This should include their lunch box etc. Any PE kits and so on will be stored safely in the CSS until the return to school.
If anyone has any questions, please contact Miss Macdonald at the Service. Those with consent forms still outstanding, please return on Monday.

We then have our Christmas Fair on the ‘bridge’ on Friday lunchtime. Some senior pupils have kindly agreed to give up their lunchtime to support this very popular event. All profits from the fair go towards the cost of future trips. Pupils and staff are hard at work making goodies and crafts to sell at the fair, plus there will also be prizes to win. There will be reminders during the week to bring some spare change and pocket money if you would like to buy any juice, sweets, crafts etc.

And finally, Finlay (S3) celebrated his birthday over the weekend last week. Happy birthday. Finlay. We hope you had a lovely day.