Friday 25th November

Another week has passed very quickly; in fact it is December very soon!

Over the next two weeks our two trips will be going ahead.

Miss Glen has organised a trip for all pupils at Bounce Station, East Kilbride. The trip is next Friday, 2nd December. Please make sure you have returned all consent forms as soon as possible. Here are more details: Bounce Station contains an inflatable park with super bounce pillows, inflatable slides, sweepers, ninja run, Jelly Mountain and a climbing wall (no trampolines). The cost of the trip is £12 per pupil which includes the socks required to use the equipment and transport costs. ParentPay will be set up for interested pupils.

The Aladdin trip for 15th December is also now organised. Please return any outstanding consent forms to Miss Macdonald asap.

We also have exciting news about the Christmas Fair which will once again go ahead. This will be at lunchtime on Thursday 16th December and more details will follow. Each year, as well as having lots of fun, we manage to raise funds to subsidise our trips and events. Hopefully this year will be no different. I look forward to sharing photos of our preparations over the next few weeks.

Some of our senior pupils will continue with their prelims into December. They have been doing so well thus far. We wish them the best of luck.