Daily Archives: November 18, 2022

Friday 18th November

I hope everyone has has a wonderful week. This one seems to have passed very quickly.
Miss Taylor’s class have been busy making cushions. They have done really well and their crafting skills look great!

Senior pupils are continuing to enjoy their college courses and we have had very positive feedback from the lecturers and college staff.

Over the next month there are two trips organised: the Aladdin trip is now organised. Please return any outstanding consent forms to Miss Macdonald asap. Miss Glen is also organising a trip. This is to Bounce Station, East Kilbride on Friday 2nd December. Here are more details:

Bounce Station contains an inflatable park with super bounce pillows, inflatable slides, sweepers, ninja run, Jelly Mountain and a climbing wall (no trampolines). The cost of the trip is £12 per pupil which includes the socks required to use the equipment and transport costs. If your child is interested in this trip please let Mr Moffat by know Monday 21st November.

Some of our senior pupils will sit prelims from next week. We wish them the best of luck. There are alternative prelim dates for some pupils and subjects which will take place later in December.

And finally, Jayden turned 18 this week. As Jayden now spends most of his time in mainstream, he kept this very quiet. But we would finally like to wish Jayden a very, very happy belated birthday.