Friday 7th October

It has certainly been a wet and windy week this week! Not many outdoor activities have taken place, although Miss Norman’s class still took part in their litter pick. The group were nominated for the We Are East Renfrewshire Awards in the Going the Extra Mile category. We are so proud of their efforts and achievement, beating other very hardworking groups to the nomination.

Ammaar received the pupil of the block award for his continued enthusiasm and positivity in PE.

The S1 PE group enjoyed some archery with Miss Glen.

Review meetings continue this week, Mr Moffat will be in touch with dates and times.
Next week more information will be sent out from Miss Macdonald about upcoming events: the Halloween Showcase and December pantomime trip. Keep an eye out on the website, newsletter and for information home.

And finally, Susie celebrated turning 16 this week.
Happy birthday, Susie.