Friday 26th August

We have made it to the end of our first full week back after the summer holidays. Well done everyone!
A particular mention to our new S1 pupils who have now experienced a full week of both mainstream and CSS classes. Everyone has settled in really well and it is great to see such positive interactions with peers and staff from across the service and whole school. I hope you have enjoyed your first full week.
Already lots of activities have gone on and we have found out more about summer achievements too.
Ruth won an award for winning a sealife related quiz during her holiday to the Lake District. Here she is with her medal – well done Ruth.

Miss Norman and Miss Smyth took the S3 class on a litter pick down by the river next to the school. They collected a lot of rubbish that had been discarded and tidied up the area. This is something the group are very passionate about – well done boys!

Our old S6 leavers started college this week. We have heard how brilliantly they have got on and are glad they are staying in touch with us.

And finally, there are birthday wishes. Jack turned 18 over the summer! We hope you had a brilliant time. Ryan turned 13 on Wednesday and Miss Glen celebrates her birthday today. Happy birthday to you both.