Daily Archives: June 24, 2022

Friday 24th June

We have made it to the end of the last full week of term. School will finish at 1pm next Tuesday.
Santi turned 13 on Wednesday, which was also Mr Moffat’s birthday. Happy birthday Santi and Mr Moffat.

On Friday afternoon, the S6 leavers: Callan, Anaan, Zecki, Gregor, Jay and Robyn had a celebration in the conference room with staff and some of their friends. We are so proud of everything they have achieved over the last six years and can’t believe it is time to say goodbye already. We hope they will keep in touch and let us know about their successes and adventures now they have left school.

Monday is our trip to Loch Lomond Sealife Centre. If you are going on the trip please remember you will need to bring your consent form on Monday (if you haven’t already done so).

For the last time, till August, have a fabulous weekend everyone.