Daily Archives: June 17, 2022

Friday 17th June

Another week has sped past, only 7 school days to go until the summer! But, there is lots going on before then.
Consent forms should go out next week for the trip to Loch Lomond Sealife Centre on Monday 27th June. The cost is £25 per pupil.
Next Friday staff will say goodbye to our S6 pupils: Anaan, Callan, Gregor, Jay, Robyn and Zecki. Hopefully they will all be able to return for a celebration and a few treats.
If the weather gets better again (fingers crossed) hopefully we will be able to take the opportunity to do some more classes in the Eco garden and outside.

Here are some photos from Miss Norman and Miss Parker’s recent work with (new) S5 pupils where they went to Rouken Glen for a pottery workshop.