Monthly Archives: June 2022

Monday 27th June

Today we celebrate the end of the school year with a trip to the Sealife Centre at Loch Lomond. Here are some photos of the trip so far.

And, hot off the press as the group head back, here are the rest of the photos. It looks like a fabulous day!


Friday 24th June

We have made it to the end of the last full week of term. School will finish at 1pm next Tuesday.
Santi turned 13 on Wednesday, which was also Mr Moffat’s birthday. Happy birthday Santi and Mr Moffat.

On Friday afternoon, the S6 leavers: Callan, Anaan, Zecki, Gregor, Jay and Robyn had a celebration in the conference room with staff and some of their friends. We are so proud of everything they have achieved over the last six years and can’t believe it is time to say goodbye already. We hope they will keep in touch and let us know about their successes and adventures now they have left school.

Monday is our trip to Loch Lomond Sealife Centre. If you are going on the trip please remember you will need to bring your consent form on Monday (if you haven’t already done so).

For the last time, till August, have a fabulous weekend everyone.

Friday 17th June

Another week has sped past, only 7 school days to go until the summer! But, there is lots going on before then.
Consent forms should go out next week for the trip to Loch Lomond Sealife Centre on Monday 27th June. The cost is £25 per pupil.
Next Friday staff will say goodbye to our S6 pupils: Anaan, Callan, Gregor, Jay, Robyn and Zecki. Hopefully they will all be able to return for a celebration and a few treats.
If the weather gets better again (fingers crossed) hopefully we will be able to take the opportunity to do some more classes in the Eco garden and outside.

Here are some photos from Miss Norman and Miss Parker’s recent work with (new) S5 pupils where they went to Rouken Glen for a pottery workshop.

Friday 10th June

This week everyone moved up a year: S2-S3, S3-S4 etc. We are all getting used to our new timetables and two new rooms on the first floor.
The P7’s came for their two full day transitions and met teachers from across the service and around the school. They got to meet some new friends and catch up with some old schoolmates.
There are now only 12 days left until the summer break. We finish on Tuesday 28th June. Hopefully before then there will be lots of achievements and photos to share with you.
Have a great weekend, everyone

Wednesday 1st June

Already it is June!

Last Thursday we said goodbye to Miss McLaren, who has left us for a new post at a nursery school. Everyone was sad to see her leave and wished her all the best. We know she will do a brilliant job. Here is a picture from her leaving lunch.


Last Thursday was also the Skills Academy day for the S3 pupils. They were invited to take part in an activity. Mark and Thomas chose archery and had fun learning this new skill. Here they are with the target which they managed to hit. Well done boys.

The S1 and S2 pupils took part in The Walk activity where the whole yeargroup walk 5 miles through Waterfoot and the countryside to raise money for charity. Here are Mr Dykes, Santi and Ammaar.

Here is some of the fantastic artwork the S4 pupils created this week.

It was the last week of college for our seniors, Gregor and Sharon enjoyed their last day on Tuesday.

Gregor also received his Go Mountain Biking Level 1 Certificate after a trip to Pollok Park on Monday with his college course. Well done, Gregor.

Finally, this is the last day of the current timetable, before all the pupils go up a year group from Monday. They have their new timetables and we look forward to starting some new classes and courses next week.

Enjoy the long weekend in the sunshine.