Community, Creative Arts, Culture & Traditions, Family, Food & Cookery, Health & Wellbeing, Imaginary Play, Loose Parts, Music and Dance, Performance Festive Fun! December 19, 2019 Mrs Toman Leave a comment Grown ups enjoying a wee Christmas Treat! Fabulous Jingle Bell smiles. Mr Weir sneaking a mince pie. Cheers! Christmas spirit and smiles all round. A Christmas Story Time to chat and have a catch up. “Do not be afraid as we bring good news!” Musical extravaganza from the fantastic Purple group. “We are the bright shining stars in the night” Aqua group. “Let’s keep Baby Jesus warm. The shepherds saw a bright shining light and a host of angels appeared in the sky. The kings travelled ‘bumping up and down on a camel. Red group lighting up the scene A perfect setting for our Rainbow Nativity Festive snacks, fun and laughter Throwing some moves on the dance floor Decorating the tree with loose parts Socialising and sharing stories Dancing Freestyle dancing Musical statues Pass the parcel Who is going to win? Party games Santa made a surprise visit to Busby ELCC Aqua group were all on the ‘nice list’ Santa said that we were fantastic at listening We sang a song for Santa We all got a gift from Santa It was cosy sitting by the fire! The scent of Christmas is in the air!