We voted for Incy Wincy Spider as our rhyme of he week. We typed in these words ourselves!
Can you make another verse for Incy Wincy Spider?
Currently our numeracy and mathematics focus is 2D shapes and 3D objects.
The children have been exploring this concept in lots of different ways in the nursery.
See if you can spot different shapes and objects at home and out and about. At lunch time we noticed that some of our sandwiches are rectangles and some are triangles.
I was posting shapes into the shape monsters!
We noticed that our outdoor number logs are circles.
We noticed that balls, or spheres, roll.
We can use different shaped objects to build. Shapes with round edges are harder to build with.
We decorated circle plates.
We used small cubes to build a mountain range and a pyramid. We love being creative in our maths learning!
What a happy first week of our new session at Busby Early Learning and Childcare Centre.
It was so lovely to meet all of our new pupils and families and to see our returners back for another year.
Many thanks to all families for helping us settle in the children to their new nursery routines and to our new staff who have joined our team so enthusiastically.
Here’s to an exciting year ahead.
We went to Pollok Park for our Summer trip this year. On our journey we visited Fairyland, climbed big hills, explored the wild woods, identified dinosaur bones and found various vegetables growing in the gardens. It was exciting to spot newts, tadpoles and dragonflies at the pond!
We have also been making the most of the good weather exploring and discovering in our playground and in the church garden.