Category Archives: Group Red

Cardboard Capers

 Cardboard Capers!………. Have a look at our ‘teleporter’.   We have been using our imaginations to create structures from cardboard boxes, using various materials.

“It’s got holes in it so fresh air can get in.”

“It also has a button you press to get on board.”

“There’s an X there that’s the exit-it tells you not to sit there.”

If you have some cardboard boxes or junk material at home maybe you could create an amazing structure too! Please let us know how you get on! 📦

‘The Teleporter’

Look at our innovative inventors!







“We really need a bed for the children!”  Amazing innovation!













Creative Minds at Work

The Red Group put on a Show 🎭

After reading The Gruffalo’s Child together, the Red group children were excited to create their own puppets and put on shows using characters from the story, and characters of their own. They experimented with torches to create lighting effects in their cardboard box theatre.

The Reds have also been very creative at building houses with peas and cocktail sticks.
At the Junk Modelling table the Yellow and Pink group children came up with all sorts of innovative ideas, creating “a flag”, “a drum”, “a butterfly”, “a robot”, “a Dino Detector”, “R2D2”, “a bubble palace for tiny wee invisible people” and “a hamster run“. It’s amazing how many ideas emerge from a bit of rubbish, some tape and string…

A flag created at the junk table was tested out and flown in the wind outside.

Creative ideas with Rice:

“We made a cake with candles. Shh, it’s  a surprise!”

Creative Cookery: making banana smoothies. They were “yum!”

The Latest Action with the Reds! 💥☄️

The Red Group have been having plenty of Outdoor Action recently, experimenting with herbs in their Mud Kitchen, and practicing their throwing, catching, balancing and other physical skills.

Using a rope and recycled bottles of water, the Reds investigated forces, weights and volume. They tested their problem-solving skills as they used a pulley to hoist up the water.

“This is the Machine Maker.”
Watch the children creating a conveyer belt process with the tubes and bark pieces, using teamwork and imagination.

Indoors the children have been exploring Numeracy using autumnal natural objects, and in Literacy they have been really enjoying the story of The Disgusting Sandwich, using Hanen techniques and exploring the meaning of descriptive words.

We have been exploring technology using the Beebots, sending them in different directions.
We have also used the App pictured below on our iPads to work out how to say words and phrases in different languages.

The Red Group Rev into Action! 🚘

The Red Group are currently based in the Lomond Room in Arran building. They have been eagerly exploring the characters in the exciting story of Supertato and have been role playing his adventures and daring rescues.

In Early Science experiments,  the children  tried different ways to free the peas from inside the frozen ice, adding salt, hot water and using various tools.

The Red Group have also been studying different vegetables and talking about how and where they grow. Then they made their own vegetable characters using different resources and re-enacted some of the key story scenes from Supertato.

“My favourite bit is when Supertato runs!”
“They put him in the jelly…”
“He wanted to kill the vegetable market…”

At group times the Red Group have been enjoying songs with actions, story-telling and talking about their feelings.

Outdoors they have been busy catching rain, puddle splashing and investigating forces with ropes (after reading the story of the Invisible String.)

Mixing powder paint with rain and experimenting with colour.

Using gloop to play and experiment with colour and shape.