Category Archives: Community

Random Acts of Wildness

Hello everyone,
We hope you are all well and finding some fun things to do. The good weather has meant we are able enjoy the outdoors even more than usual and there has been so much to see at this time of year with all the new life that is growing.
Mrs MacLeod saw this Peacock butterfly in her garden, and Mrs Small has a blue tit that sits right outside her bedroom window.

The Scottish Wildlife Trust is inviting everyone to join in 30 Days Wild,  doing one different Wild Thing each day, and this is something the children have enjoyed doing in nursery in the past. You can sign up to join in 30 Days Wild for free, and receive a digital set of cards with simple and easy Wild things to do each day. The children have the fun of choosing a different card each day.  Some examples are below:

You can find great ideas for other wild things to do and make at home at this link:

Why not send us any photos of Wild things you have seen or done to our Twitter account?

Have Fun being a Wildlife Explorer!


Fairy Doors and Stone Painting

Are there any fairies living in woods near you?
Mrs MacLeod has noticed a few fairy doors in the woods near her house.
You could paint your own designs on stones or an old roof slate if you have any.
Mrs Hampton has been painting different insects and birds on stones at home too.

Who do you think lives behind these doors?

Here are  
Mrs Hampton’s lovely painted stones.  What birds and insects can you see and paint?

If you go down to the woods today… look out for bluebells as well as fairies. They are starting to grow…

Super Science

The children have been busy investigating and discovering through lots of exciting Science Experiments during STEM fortnight. They have been testing, describing, asking questions and observing results.
“I’m wondering what would happen if…”

Adding the vinegar…

….and bicarbonate of soda to make a gas to blow up the balloon.

Magnet experiments: “You can make it move from under the table!”

Our new BUG HOTEL. Who will visit….?

Making Bird Food with raisins, maize, mealworms and lard.

Studying the different bird species.

Adding the thread for hanging the feeders.

The children loved watching Professor Eco

Wandering Water and Colour Mixing Experiments

“I am wondering what would happen if we mix blue and red…” “It makes purple.” “We need the paper to test it.”

“What happens if we do it like this?”

Using droppers to create patterns with the colours we mixed.

Library visits

Some of the children have been visiting Busby Library this week.  They were so excited to learn about all the different activities going on in our local community library.

Peter the librarian read us some lovely books and told us how to join the library.

We voted for our favourite book and ‘Wolfie the Bunny’ won.              “I loved the bit when Dot said she would eat the bear from the toes up, it’s a bit scary but funny”.


Bring on Spring!

The children have been learning all about how things grow, as we look forward to Spring and also our Spring Event next Thursday morning, March 5th.

The children used cupcake cases, paper quilling, chalk, pen, scissors, crayon and glue to create their individual daffodil designs:
“I know a different way to do it.”
“All I did was fold it in and cut it like this.”

“The trumpet part is orange.”
“I’m going to twist it round by myself.” (quilling)

Planting Iris Bulbs: we have planted indoors and outdoors, and are comparing how quickly bulbs grow in the different environments.

“Put a seed in, water it and wait till the sun comes.”
“One of my iris bulbs turned into a white flower.
The other one was yellow.”
“The bulb is round.”
“It has roots.”
“Mine has grown big.”

Singing “Ten Little Daffodils” and imitating how they grow.


Having A Wild Time

Exploring in Busby Church Gardens


Balloon chasing

Under the log we found wood louse, a centipede, slugs and slugs eggs…

“I want to hold the slugs eggs.”

We had a Wild Time in Busby Church Gardens:
– looking for birds and bugs, and ticking them off on our charts
– making “nests” and a “camp fire” with twigs and stones
– experimenting with balloons in the wind
– running free!