All posts by Miss Murphy

Feeling thankful with the Purple Group

This week the children have been helping Mrs Walker develop our block area, the children have shown a particular interest in building castles, they have been developing their mathematical language as they described their castles.

‘My castle is taller than ………., but hers is longer’ 

‘I built a long castle for the Queen’ 

‘My castle is like the Statue of Liberty, really tall and the colour teal, the statue of Liberty is in New York in America’

As part of Health and Wellbeing Week, we have been discovering what our peers are thankful for. The children thought carefully about this, and posted their answer in our gratitude jar.

‘I am thankful for my Mum’ 

‘I am thankful when my Grandpa kisses and hugs me’ 

‘I am thankful because my Mum takes me to the park all the time’ 

We have also been taking part in a wide range of activities outdoors. We were making muddy handprints and creating obstacle courses, developing their gross motor skills and problem solving skills. Well done everyone.


Potions and Pumpkins 🎃 with the Purple Group

We read ‘Meg and Mog’ and ‘I think my Mum is a Witch’, inspiring us to use our imaginations and create our own spooky stories.


Working collaboratively with our peers we successfully made Pumpkin Soup. We carefully deseeded the pumpkin, using our fine motor skills to chop the pumpkin and other vegetables.

We developed our problem solving skills as we measured and weighed the ingredients.

The children then had the opportunity to taste their creation. ‘This soup is amazing’- R

We created our own potions using  play dough and a variety of other resources, we retold the spells from the book developing our language skills.

We developed our fine motor, sensory and number recognition skills as we matched and counted spiders 🕷 and snakes 🐍 using tweezers in a variety of different experiences.

Autumn Adventures with the Purple Group

The Purple group went on an Autumn Walk, exploring their local environment, hunting for signs of Autumn.

We successfully found conkers, pine cones, beautifully coloured leaves and lots of sticks.

When we returned to Nursery, we matched, sorted and counted all our findings #mathsweekScotland

We created different autumnal scenes using the leaves, pine cones and sticks from our Autumn Walk.

Inspired by our Autumn Walk, the children have been fascinated to learn more about Autumn.  We have been reading books about Autumn, ‘The Very Helpful Hedgehog’ and ‘Christopher Pumpkin’ were voted our favourite by the children this week.

Inspired by these books the children have been using their imagination, creating their own stories, retelling the stories and recalling their favourite parts and characters.

We have some beautiful Autumn provocations to inspire us and allow the children to explore and encourage their interests and expand their knowledge.

Purple Group Adventures

The Purple Group have settled back into Nursery life really well.  We have been establishing old and new friendships, following routines and learning lots of exciting things.

We have been spending a  lot of time outdoors, accessing all aspects of the curriculum.

We love getting our wet suits on and exploring in the rain.

We have been exploring symmetry through a variety of different experiences.  The children  created butterflies and used transient art to develop their awareness of symmetry in their local environment.

Making tea in the water tray stimulated our senses. We have enjoyed taking part in a lot of different sensory activities across the playroom and outdoors.