Feeling Groovy 🌞🙏🏼

It is Health and Wellbeing Week! In Pink and Yellow groups we are thinking about our differences & similarities, our feelings, and how to keep ourselves feeling good, relaxed and strong.

Monday is Dare to be Different Day. So we have had cool purple hair, some odd socks and some unusual yet fabulous style choices!

We’ve been talking about the ways we are different and the same.
“I don’t like spiders.”  “I like sprouts!”  “I have blond hair.”  “We all have brains…” “And skeletons.”

Our “Different Together” paper chain:

At Signing- In time each child chose a different patterned strip  to write their name on. We all have different favourite colours and patterns, and we joined them together to make a big paper chain.

We have been talking about different types of people and creating our own tiny people with lollipop sticks, pipe cleaners, buttons, felt, lace, wool and other materials.

“I want her to have red hair at the back and the front. She has a lovely smile.”  
“I’m going to add this for a hat.”
“Let’s play with them…”

Noo-Noo (left)
was feeling lonely because of being a bit different, but look how many friends the children have made for Noo-Noo now!

Tuesday is Bounce Back day, all about resilience.  At Together Time, the children all thought of things that make them feel happy and put them in a Thank You Jar with a coloured feather.

Here are some of the things we are grateful for:
“Star Wars and ice cream,” “Pink, and birdies in my garden”, “Daddy, Mummy” , “My sisters” ,”Squirrels in my gardens, and cats… and jewels”, “Tigers and Pokémon.” “The colour red” ,”Jingle bells” “Tickly feathers” , “My puppy and my two guinea pigs”, “Music in your heart.”
Afterwards we made some Sunshine sticks:

Keep smiling!

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