The children have been busy investigating and discovering through lots of exciting Science Experiments during STEM fortnight. They have been testing, describing, asking questions and observing results.
“I’m wondering what would happen if…”
Adding the vinegar…
….and bicarbonate of soda to make a gas to blow up the balloon.
Magnet experiments: “You can make it move from under the table!”
Our new BUG HOTEL. Who will visit….?
Making Bird Food with raisins, maize, mealworms and lard.
Studying the different bird species.
Adding the thread for hanging the feeders.
The children loved watching Professor Eco
Wandering Water and Colour Mixing Experiments
“I am wondering what would happen if we mix blue and red…” “It makes purple.” “We need the paper to test it.”
“What happens if we do it like this?”
Using droppers to create patterns with the colours we mixed.
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