

In the Maths department we aim to ensure that all learners develop the mathematical and numerical skills they will need to live independently and thrive in today’s world of work.

It is important for our young people to be numerate to make sense of numbers, time, patterns and shapes for activities like cooking, reading timetables, and even playing sport. We want to equip learners to be financially aware and to develop logical thinking, reasoning strategies and the ability to analyse statistics so that they can question the world we live in.



Dr. J. Kerr, Faculty Head, Mathematics

Ms. G. Boyle, Head Teacher, Mathematics

Mx. Z. Bevan, Mathematics and Physics

Mr. S. Chan, Mathematics

Mrs. D. Cosgrove, Mathematics

Mrs. L. Harkins, Mathematics

Mrs. M. Ward, Mathematics

Mr. R. Ward, PT Pastoral Care, Mathematics

Mrs. L. Wilson, Mathematics


Broad General Education (BGE) 

In S1-3, pupils follow the Broad General Education (BGE) pathway with aspects of the National 4&5 Qualifications blended into our S3 course.

A picture of our learning pathway below details the topics pupils will cover (S1 – yellow, S2 – green, S3 – blue).

Additionally, learners will undertake various project-based tasks which will allow them to enhance their ICT skills (using Excel), develop their research and scientific report writing abilities, and apply mathematics to real-life problems including budgeting and statistical analysis.

 Senior Phase

Mathematics Pathway

National 5 Maths

This course consists of 3 topics of work

  • Expressions & Formulae
  • Relationships
  • Applications

which develop the algebraic, geometric, trigonometric, statistical and numerical skills which were introduced in the BGE. Pupils will select and apply mathematical techniques and will develop their understanding of the interdependencies between the branches of mathematics. They will also develop mathematical reasoning skills and will gain experience in problem solving and making informed decisions based on available data.

Higher Maths

This course consists of 3 topics of work

  • Expressions & Formulae
  • Relationships & Calculus
  • Applications

and continues to develop the algebraic, geometric and trigonometric skills used in N5.

In particular, learners should expect to be applying their understanding of the straight line, multiplying brackets, factorising & completing the square, surds and indices, quadratics and trigonometric graphs and equations. As such, a very good understanding of these topics is required to form a strong foundation for success.

Advanced Higher Maths

This course consists of 3 topics of work

  • Calculus
  • Algebra Proof & Number Theory
  • Matrices, Vectors & Complex Numbers

and continues to use the algebraic, trigonometric and calculus skills developed in Higher.

In particular, learners should expect to be applying their understanding of differentiation and integration, trigonometric identities, sets and functions, and logs and exponentials. As such, a very good understanding of these topics is required to form a strong foundation for success.

To gain all Mathematics course awards, learners will complete an external exam in the form of a non-calculator paper and a calculator paper. This is externally marked and is graded. Throughout the course, pupils will be internally assessed using periodic assessments along with ongoing assessment in class. 

Applications of Mathematics Pathway

National 4 Applications

This course consists of 4 units of work which are internally assessed

  • Numeracy
  • Geometry & Measure
  • Managing Finance & Statistics
  • Added Value Unit

The course builds on the experiences and outcomes of the BGE with a particular focus on real world applications of numeracy. It is worth noting that there is no non-calculator aspect to this course.

National 5 Applications

This course consists of 3 topics of work

  • Numeracy
  • Geometry & Measurement
  • Finance & Statistics

which explore e.g. the relationship between and uses of fractions, decimals and percentages; the importance of accurately calculating area, perimeter and volume; interpretation of scale and units of measure; income, budgeting and the analysis and comparison of statistical data. By using real-life contexts for the majority of examples, learners develop the ability to apply mathematical operational skills directly relevant to life and work, and learn to appreciate the role of mathematical ideas in the world.

To gain this award, learners will complete an external exam in the form of a non-calculator paper and a calculator paper. This is externally marked and is graded. Throughout the course, pupils will be internally assessed using periodic assessments along with ongoing assessment in class. 

Higher Applications

This course covers 4 topics of work with an additional project element

  • Finance
  • Statistics
  • Modelling
  • Planning & Decision Making
  • Personal Project

Unlike all other qualifications offered by the Mathematics department, 3 of the 4 units require access to software to supplement handwritten work. To gain this course award, learners will complete an externally assessed project and exam in the form of a calculator paper with access to Excel and statistical software on a computer.

Learning Experiences

In the Mathematics department, we pride ourselves on the high quality of learning and teaching that takes place in all learning environments. Features of our highly-effective lessons are:

  • A purposeful starter building on prior learning and effective retrieval practice
  • Shared learning intentions and measurable success criteria
  • Routine drill and practice using show-me-boards
  • Adaptive teaching, utilising skilled questioning and offering opportunities for all learners to develop their confidence, be ambitious and challenge their curiosity
  • Ongoing learner feedback which meets the needs of all young people
  • Varied activities to ensure the engagement of all learners
  • An effective plenary giving learners the opportunity to reflect on the purpose of the lesson and check for understanding

We will use ICT to both assist with learning and to develop transferrable skills across the curriculum and into the world of work.

Life and Work

We use numeracy every day, whether it is working out the cheapest deal in a supermarket, increasing the quantities in a recipe for dinner, or setting and keeping to a budget. Therefore our confidence and ability to work with numbers will impact us financially, socially, and professionally.

For those wishing to pursue a STEM-related career, mathematical reasoning and understanding is essential. It is our goal to motivate and challenge learners to select and apply mathematical techniques in a variety of theoretical and real-life situations, develop confidence in the subject and a positive attitude towards further study in Mathematics.

The Applications of Mathematics courses were more recently developed in recognition of the need for a maths-based pathway which was more suited to learners who did not wish to pursue a STEM-related career. They aim to motivate and challenge learners to make sense of the world around us and to manage day-to-day living using mathematics to model real-life situations, analyse information, simplify and solve problems, assess risk and make informed decisions. This pathway is particularly suitable for learners who wish to develop the mathematical reasoning and numerical skills which are useful in other curriculum areas and the workplace.


You can support your child’s learning via the following:

  • Check that your child regularly practices work covered in class – all classes will receive daily homework as well as formal pieces of homework.
  • Help your child with time management.
  • Generic support materials will be provided for pupils on the relevant “Resource” Google classroom in addition to specifically-tailored homework and revision exercises issued by teachers through their individual Google classroom. Parents can assist their children in using these materials as consolidation exercises or in preparation for assessments.

The following websites also contains a plethora of useful resources:


Second, Third and Fourth Level 

Senior Phase

National 4 Applications of Maths

National 5 Maths

National 5 Applications of Maths

Higher Maths

Higher Applications of Maths

Advanced Higher Maths