

Design and Technology is a course that enables learners to identify, consider and solve problems through creative thinking, planning and design whilst working with different media, materials and tools. As a result, learners gain greater technical and design awareness whilst developing skill such as initiative, resourcefulness, problem solving and enquiry. Working in both the graphics studio and workshops, pupils are introduced to the various tools and resources available and apply this learning when tackling design and make projects or in communicating graphic ideas manually or on computer. Our Design and Technology course give learners the opportunity to develop a broad range of transferable skills that they will utilise within further education and employment.


Mr. M. A. Hamid, Depute Head Teacher, Biology

Mrs. L. Bell, Biology

Ms. J. Burns, Biology (NQT)

Miss. M. Colquhoun, Biology

Dr. C. Wilson, Biology


Broad General Education

In S1 and S2, you will study a combined science curriculum which allows pupils to develop their interest in and understanding of the living, material and physical world. This includes looking Biodiversity and Interdependence, Body Systems and Cells and Inheritance.


You will be given opportunities throughout the course to demonstrate your understanding in collaborative and investigative activities, and are assessed through a range of means. The course aims to help you develop key scientific literacy, numeracy and practical skills, enabling you to become a scientifically literate citizen with a lifelong interest in science.


In S3 you will have chosen to specialise in Biology. You will continue to develop an understanding of key concepts in Biology including how species rely on one another and the world around them for survival, Natural Selection and Evolution and the role of key biological processes to sustain life within cells.



Senior Phase


In S4 you will study the final Biology unit at National 4 or National 5 level:


  • Multicellular Organisms


Pupils will also complete a practical assignment at both levels allowing them to demonstrate their research, practical and report writing skills within Biology which contributes to the overall course award.


At Higher level, you will have the option to study Higher Biology or Higher Human Biology. In both courses, you will continue to develop your interest and understanding of Biology and relevant skills.


Higher Biology explores the following units of work:


  1. DNA and the Genome
  2. Metabolism and Survival
  3. Sustainability and Interdependence


Higher Human Biology explores the following units of work:

  1. Human Cells
  2. Physiology and Health
  3. Neurobiology and Immunology


In both courses, pupils will also complete a practical assignment allowing them to demonstrate their research, practical and report writing skills within Biology. These are marked externally and contribute to the overall course award.


Advanced Higher Biology allows pupils the chance to further your knowledge and interest gained at Higher in key biological concepts. The course allows further opportunity to develop key analytical and evaluative skills required for success at this level. Units covered at this level include:


  1. Cells and Proteins
  2. Organisms and Evolution
  3. Investigative Biology

Pupils will also complete a large experimental project allowing them to demonstrate their research, practical and report writing skills within a biological context. This is marked externally by the SQA and forms part of the overall course award.

Learning Experiences

Pupils will take part in a variety of engaging learning opportunities in the classroom including experimental work, outdoor learning, classroom discussion and group tasks, problem solving and research tasks as well as scientific investigations at key points within the course.

Pupils will be supported and challenged by staff to maximise their potential within Biology. Supported Study sessions are offered throughout the year.

Life and Work

Biology will allow you to explore careers in:


  • Biological based fields
  • Botany
  • Medicine and Dentistry
  • Pharmacy
  • Veterinary Medicine
  • Sports Science and Physiotherapy
  • Zoology and Marine Conservation


All Learning and Teaching resources will be posted on relevant Google Classrooms, from S1 – S6.

SQA Biology – links to past papers, course specifications and understanding standards can be found here:

BBC Bitesize – useful revision tool for exploring key concepts:

Scholar – online revision resources, available via GLOW