Home Economics


Young people will learn how to prepare balanced, nutritious meals for themselves and others encouraging them to be independent and take control of their health and wellbeing. They will also learn about food safety and ways to prepare food to prevent disease.


Mrs S Buckeridge (Teacher of Home Economics)

Ms J Hamilton (Teacher of Home Economics)

Mrs N Yuill (Teacher of Home Economics NQT)


Broad General Eductaion

Within S1 and S2 pupils will experience many different aspects of food, health and cooking. They will work through areas such as:

  • Developing Healthy Choices
  • Nutritional Needs
  • Keeping Safe and Hygienic

Each of these key topic will allow pupils to explore the reasons as to why a balanced, healthy and nutritional diet is key to a healthy lifestyle. Pupils will have the chance to cook and bake many different dishes giving them the fundamental starter skills to explore different cuisines.

Practical Cookery

All learners entering S3 will work towards presentation at National 5 level in Practical Cookery. Final presentation for either National 4 or 5 will be determined by assessing learner’s practical skills and knowledge and understanding of cookery processes.

Course structure:

Question paper – 25%

Assignment – 13%

Practical Activity – 62%

Practical Activity assessment:

National 5: Learners will prepare and serve a three-course meal. Each course will consist of four portions. Marks will be awarded based on their cookery skills, service details and presentation of work

We recommend that all learners cook, as often as they can at home, to refine and develop their cookery skills. 


On successful completion of the Course learners could progress to a National 5 course in Practical Cake Craft or to further study at College, employment or training.

Health and Food Tech

Course Outline

The course focuses on health, the influence of food and nutrition, and the dietary needs of individuals. It also focuses on the application of safe, hygienic and informed practices in food preparation. The course develops understanding of the properties of food in relation to food production, processing and the development of food products. Issues that influence food choices are investigated to help understand how the consumer to makes informed decision.

Areas Covered within the course:

Health and Food Technology: Food for Health The aim is to develop the learners’ knowledge, understanding and skills to enable them to analyse the relationship between health, food and nutrition.

Learners will also analyse dietary needs for individuals at various stages of life and explain current dietary advice. Through practical activities, the learners will produce and evaluate food products which meet individual needs.

Health and Food Technology: Food Product Development

Development of knowledge and understanding of the functional properties of ingredients in food, their use in developing food products and an understanding of the stages involved in developing a food product all aid the learners to produce food products to meet a range of consumer needs. They will also apply knowledge and understanding of safe and hygienic food practices and techniques.

Health and Food Technology: Contemporary Food Issues

Learners will investigate a range of contemporary food issues. They will analyse how these issues influence decisions taken by consumers when making food choices. They can present their findings in a variety of formats.

 Course Assessment

In the Higher Health and Food Technology course, added value will focus on application and challenge. The learners will be assessed by an assignment 50% and a question paper 50%. The assignment will require application of skills, knowledge and understanding from across the units. Learners will develop a product(s) to meet a given brief. The assignment will be carried out in class time. The question paper will require integration of knowledge and understanding from across the course.

Learning Experiences


Life and Work



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