Graphic Communication


Graphic Communication is a practical, creative and dynamic course that equips young people with the skills to produce high quality manual and digital graphics using industry standard software. It combines elements of creativity and communicating for visual impact with elements of protocol and allows learners to develop an appreciation of the importance of industry standards. The ability to communicate ideas and information is an invaluable skill that is highly sought after across a wide range of industries. Learners will discover why Graphic Communication is recognised as an international language within design, engineering and manufacturing industries. 


Ms. A. McCabe, Faculty Head

Mr. A. Eunson, Design and Technology

Mr. JP. Murray, PT STEM, Design and Technology


Graphic Communication is a practical, creative and dynamic course that equips young people with the skills to produce high quality manual and digital graphics using industry standard software. It combines elements of creativity and communicating for visual impact with elements of protocol and allows learners to develop an appreciation of the importance of industry standards. The ability to communicate ideas and information is an invaluable skill that is highly sought after across a wide range of industries. Learners will discover why Graphic Communication is recognised as an international language within design, engineering and manufacturing industries. 

Learning Experiences

Within the graphics studio, you will learn how to produce the type of drawings used by engineers to design and manufacture parts for everyday products from illustrative sketches to high quality presentation drawings. Pupils learn to create 3D models using modelling software used in industry, building a valuable workset. You will apply your creative skills to produce promotional posters and brochures using Desk Top Publishing software, learning of the techniques creators use to make eye catching and original graphic designs. By reading and producing drawings used in the construction industry, you will apply your numeracy skills to calculate sizes on drawings and learn to convey concise and accurate manufacturing information. Enhancing your ICT skills in realistic graphic situations you will use your research skills when planning projects.

Life and Work

The skills developed in Graphic Communication are fundamental for pupils interested in careers in engineering, architecture, advertising and promotion. The skills developed within Graphic Communication have application and relevance to the world of work in direct ways. The ability to communicate information through drawing is relevant to a wide variety of careers and desired by employers and universities. Complementing these work skills, you will also enhance a range of meta-skills from critical thinking, sense making, initiative and communicating.  

Resources – Link to past papers, course specification and Understanding Standards material – a useful resource to help prepare for the course and revise for examinations. – a useful resource with a range of practical tasks and quizzes