Primary 3b’s February Blog

Social Studies

Our new topic is ‘The River Clyde’.  The children have shown an interest in finding out about the journey of the river and the bridges that cross it.  They also wanted to know how long the river is and if there were any fish. Through this topic we will be learning the skills of note taking from video clips, the internet and books.  We will also be making our own strong and stable bridges using a variety of materials.

“The river is 109 miles long” Sam


We have been learning how to make PowerPoints.  We have discovered how to change the colour, font, style and background of each slide.  We have also learned how to copy images from the internet and insert into our PowerPoint slides.  After learning these skills, we will make our own PowerPoints on ‘The River Clyde’.

“I liked looking at images and putting them into my PowerPoint” Finn

“My favourite part is getting the background on”  Iain


The children have been learning about ‘Welcoming a baby in Islam’.  They have found this an interesting topic.

“We have learned that Muslims believe there is only one God” Izaan

“We have learned that we whisper ‘God is great’ in the right ear of the baby” Maya

“We have made invitations to a babies party (Aqiqah)” Phoebe


We have just introduced our new topic ‘Plant Growth’.  The children are very keen to go on a plant search around the school looking at the different plants we have.  We will also be trying to tidy up our planters in the playground.


The children are really enjoying using different drama techniques.  The skills we are developing are freeze frame, expression, thought tunnel, mime and using their imaginations.

“I like when we get to show the class the freeze frames we do” Olivia

“I like when we do the warm up called ‘rubber chicken’” Noah


The children have been working with a music specialist once a month.  They are learning how to keep the beat through active learning.  They are also learning about rhythm, rhyme and scales.

“We have been learning about the heart beating” Judah

“We have learned the notes ‘Ta Te’” Natalie

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