December 2015

Social Studies

The children were very enthusiastic about our Local Area topic.  They thoroughly enjoyed the walk around the local area.  Each child had an opportunity to survey a customer or shop keeper and they asked their questions confidently.


The children were particularly interested in the history of Giffnock, they enjoyed note taking and comparing old Giffnock with Giffnock today.


We studied Lord Rowallan as a person of local historical interest, the children were surprised at how generous he had been gifting Rouken Glen Park to us.




Following on from the safety aspect of health we looked at the safe uses of medicine.   This included short and long term use of medicine and conditions that may require medicine.  Children shared personal experience of asthma, eczema and allergies.  The children were excellent at identifying ways to feel better without having to take medicine.  They could also identify ways to keep healthy.




During ICT we have been using Beebot linked with direction in numeracy.  The children have an excellent understanding of this and could navigate Beebot competently.



The children enjoyed learning about the body.  They can identify the main functions of the skeleton together with major organs.  We measured our heart rate when completing different activities and found that it increased when we did more exercise.


The children have had a great term engaging with all areas of the curriculum.  Have a lovely holiday!


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