Primary 2b’s Favourite Things

We enjoy doing EPIC R three days a week as this gives us all a chance to practise our reading skills with our personal books.  We like reading aloud in our reading groups and are working on the skill of sequencing. 

In I.C.T. we have enjoyed playing educational games through Education City and we have also watched safety videos on Hector’s World.

In P.E. we have been learning how to take part in team games and have been practising our ball skills. 

At lunchtime and break time we get to spend time with our friends playing games and we love when it is our turn to go on the Trim Trail.

We have started a new project about climate zones and are looking forward to working with our partners to investigate different countries. 

We have been improving our handwriting and are now starting to learn how to write each letter correctly so that we will be able to join up our letters.

We like to be healthy and enjoy eating our fruit and drinking our orange juice.

We are doing some Autumn time artwork just now and had a lot of fun going outside to investigate what different surfaces we could do rubbings off.

We enjoy doing our maths work and have learned 3D shape names and are learning how to find a half.  For problem solving we have been working in groups to look for patterns, this has been tricky but we have worked well together.

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