Lots been squeezed into this short month. We’ve been investigating the Winter Olympics, its history, the events, past hosts and stuff like that (pics). We also had a chance to play some curling in the gym hall which was a good laugh (pics and videos on GC). To go nicely with this we’ve also started to learn some Mandarin! Mrs Tao is coming in every week until Easter to teach us some of the language and more about Chinese culture – we love it (pics).
For Safer Internet Day we discussed different scenarios that could occur when online gaming and how best to react. We also have been practising more coding (pics), this time a ‘code a long’ to create a ‘Chatbot’ with Mr Hull who’s much more of an expert than you know who (wouldn’t be hard right enough).
In Maths we created our 3D shape poster which followed on from our work on 2D shapes (pics). We also managed to consider symmetry in the wild on our last Outdoor Learning sortie (pics). We’ve also embarked upon ‘The Times Table Trail’! We should have mentioned it to you already but just in case……………….We all had a chat a while back and ALL of us decided that there was room for improvement in our multiplication tables and more importantly ALL of us wanted to improve and could see the benefits of doing so. Mr Burns was definitely up for it and he is also using it as a kind of experiment for himself and what he might do in the future. So, we came up with a plan to blitz them from mid-Feb to the Easter holidays. Rather than go on and on about the plan, ask us and we’ll tell you more!
In Language, we’ve continued our focus on Newspaper reports, this time choosing an area of interest to us and using what we had learned previously to create our own newspaper story – it was good to get advance notice so that we could have a think about it before. We then moved on to non-chronological report writing and we’ve done one in class based on our school reading book and today (Fri 25th) we again get to take this prior learning forward when writing our own personal choice report – our homework was to decide and make notes on what to write about.
In RE some of us are obviously marching towards the big Sacrament days ahead, exciting to say the least! Canon Eddie came in this week for a Pre Reconciliation Service which was nice (pics). It’s getting close! Mr Burns would like to remind you that he has a Google Classroom folder set up that gives updates on the journal that we’re working through to help us prepare and he also sends photos from time to time. The rest of the class have been learning about St Paul and are moving on to prepare something nice about the miracles of Jesus.
Well done to the Newcastle dancers as well (pics), the competition came as a surprise to Mr Burns he says. Didn’t know anything about it………………….And well done to Shivansh, one of the great thinkers of our day! (pic)
Bye for now.