Another slightly punctuated, and loooonnnnngggg, month – not to mention that the pocket money has been a bit on the low side. Pay day today we hear………Burns day just been as well (pics), seems like every day is Burns Day in here right enough.
At least we got a bit of snow near the start to brighten things up, always nice to play in with our chums (pics). Those of us making our Sacraments, a big year indeed, also started preparing in earnest and the rest of us are really excited about being able to support them through it whenever we can. We had the Rite of Enrolment with Canon Eddie this week and the ‘Sacramental Seven’ have been working on their journal in class with each other, and Mr Burns, and of course at home with you (pics). This last week we’ve also been considering all cultures and religions (did some powerpoints – pics) and it was good to hear from Liam, Omar, Shivansh and Adam about their stories (pics).
In language we’ve been doing a bit on Characterisation – looking at ways of bringing characters alive more and making them more complex and sophisticated. We’ve also started a little run of looking at newspapers and we did ‘The Three Little Pigs’, Gabriel’s favourite. We sent him a little video, Mr Burns was pleased (as was Gabriel we hear – ‘he danced all day’).
During Maths we all created posters on the properties of 2D shapes (pics), with 3D to come. Some of us have been concentrating on grid references and coordinates, some of us on weight then the compass and angles. We even managed to take the learning on compass points and angles outside (pics).
Other notables have been a bit of coding in ICT and our cartoon drawings – hope you enjoy the pictures of them.
Star Class this week as well! Looking forward to the holiday with you – might speak to you then.