
Not been that long since we last touched base and, as you can imagine, much of school since St Andrew’s day (pics)has been concerned with Advent and the lead up to Christmas. Mr Burns is trying to post videos and pictures of certain ‘events’ on Google Classroom, at the time, so you might have seen all our fun and games with reindeer and whatnot at the start of December – what a great day that was and a big thank you to all for putting on (and for you paying for us to go). Thank you also for coming in to see us and buying our crafts! (pics) The panto and parties last Friday are on GC too and again that was a fun, if not an exhausting, day. The Christmas lunch the day before was super tasty. (pics) We’ve spent quite a bit of time practising for our Advent Assembly (link from school office) and also a wee send off for Mr Campbell (GC too) and we really hope that you enjoy them, hopefully we’ll be back to normal next Christmas and you can come in person again. It’s not all been shenanigans of course as we’ve tried to remember those less fortunate than us this Christmas through the Advent collections and our class Missio appeal. (pics) We took to the forest to make our own Advent Wreaths (pics) and used the space to create our own light-hearted Nativity sketches (GC).

We’ve squeezed some work in there too of course, kept that going, and I hope you enjoyed seeing some of the work in our jotters. It’s good to get a focus for what to work on in January.

Mr Burns would like to thank you all for all your support throughout and sends you his best wishes for a lovely Christmas. He’s looking forward to a great first half of 2022 with us all.





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